The bird earrings will make sweet details on the craft projects, too~ Just have to figure out how to attach them! They were a "find" at $1.25 at an antique co-op! They remind me of birds that I loved as a child. They perched on the barbed wire fencing that bordered our yard along one side and the back. When they flew off they had the sweetest call. I can still hear it, however I can't identify it. Up until I was in college...a bird was a bird. I don't recognize that sweet "Litchfield bird" call from any of the birds around our home. I have a bird book with a disc that describes their calls...maybe I'll listen to it while I paint BIRDS tomorrow! I'll let'cha know if I fall asleep listening!
My mom and my aunt were fabric packrats. Mom had a bumper sticker that said "the one who dies with the most fabric wins". I guess you can change the wording to "lace". How sweet of Diane to share her treasures with you!
Michelle, I LOVE what you have done to store the laces on the antique spools!! You're a genius! And you don't have to tuck them away in a drawer because they are fantastic as "art" to display! Gorgeous!
And all the little do-dads in the top photo, birds, tags, pretty! I love that aged look you do so well.
PS: Everybody, Michelle shared lots of HER pretty laces with me too!
Ohhhh Nola...the bumper sticker statements I should have plastered on my bumper! LOL I'm sure my husband would have a few funny ones to add!
:)My mom would add, "If it's junk...and it's cheap...she'll make something with it!" Gotta laugh...
What would your bumper sticker say?'re a gem!
Last night, at this thrift boutique...remember when Holly was little, the fluffy~ wool-like yarn that had a twist to it? I found some in gold and rust color! (how those 70's colors come back!) The memories it brought back! For a quarter...we grabbed them up for a neat detail on a fall design. They'll add that "aged look" ~ funny that some company hasn't started reproducing it.
Thanks for your note!
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