We are over run by chipmunks...
I've got stories on top of stories that would
keep the sternest of faces smiling for hours.
We purchased this Have-a-Heart cage
to safely capture and relocate them...
After 10 or so we stopped counting!
I think they find their way back home...
through the park, across the small creek,
up a very steep hill...to our back yard~
We think they're the dearest little critters~
They manage to clog EVERY air filter/intake
in our cars...until it smothers the engine...
Chew wires in the cars 'til they all
touch each other & light up the dashboard
idiot lights as though it were Christmas...
Get inside our cars and use the
glove box as a bathroom! (eeweee)
UN-wire the snowmobile trailer...
we only have some plastic remnants left~
Dig CITIES in our flower beds...
Tunnels that travel everywhere.
Not just an occasional hole~
They have gotten into the interior fan
of the car I'm driving while the tranny
is being replaced in my Jimmy...
I turned it on the other day~
to hear this horrible grinding sound~
pieces of chopped leaves blew into
our faces...out the vents!
I can't run it until hubby cleans it for
a second time~ for fear of fire.
Our friends have chipmunks around...
they don't do this to their cars...
We might have to stop feeding our birds~
I think the chipmunks have life pretty
good around here...hourly nourishment,
warm cars to nest in...
bird baths for fresh water...
They have the dearest little faces...
They're "STARS" in my children's books!
I simply wish they would live
outside our cars...