Our blanket of white has almost completely melted.
Early Sunday morning I peeked out the window for a weather check and
something caught my attention!
Trotting through the back field~
Perhaps returning home from an overnight shift...
Mr. Red Fox
Red fox is so very beautiful and so very helpful.
He and his family will help keep a healthy, natural, balance~
Our ever-growing concern with Lyme disease often begins with
the (adorable and sweet) White-footed mouse.
Rodents have been sampling more vegetables from our garden
than we have! They're becoming a concern.
I strive to remain chemical free and organic.
Praying Mr. Fox meets a local Miss and begin a family
in our neighborhood.
A quick sketch on Sunday so that I would remember
how beautiful the morning was and our special visitor.
The sky was pale gray & light blue with a soft peach glow!
Took a few minutes this morning to add color while
waiting for a special order to completely dry...
The cookie butter needed to warm up to room temperature, too~
Hope your travels are safe and that your hearts are happy, Friends!
Wishing you a joy-filled season~