Sunday, November 3

Watercolor Sketchbook...

My favorite part of walking 3 miles/day...
All the treasures there are to gather!
Sometimes the 'find' is heavy & it becomes part of the workout~
(Probably not often enough!)

Some-days there isn't a find~
It's a moment in time.
We had our 1st killing frost rather late this year. 
All had plenty of time to gather & harvest, enjoy tender flowers and prepare.
Not even a slight breeze that morning.
The air was crisp and still~
A single row of petite trees, once covered with golden leaves, caught my eye.
Only a few leaves were still tacked above...
The remainder had fallen in a perfect golden circle around the base of each tree.

 This pretty find was yellow when I pressed it... a non-poisonous leaf-of-three! 
I cannot identify it yet.
My friend Mary Lou thought it looked like an Ash...

It is a Black Ash!
Also known as "Hoop, Swamp, Basket & Brown Ash"
Prefers cool, swampy habitats. Seldom thrives on dry ground.
Along the canal is the perfect home for her~

I wasn't sure of these leaves... nothing we have in our yard.

With a bit of research they appear to be White Mulberry leaves...

As with snowflakes~ no two are alike!
Our Maples are dropping pounds of seeds this year~
The flower beds and gardens will be stuffed with mini Maple trees in the Springtime.

Not the same size as the 'actual size' but certainly the same wing shape...

That's a match!

Beautiful rose hips are spotted along the paths~
Bright red and teasing me to gather!
I tip-toed through a poison ivy patch to gather these...
They looked so rich compared to the ones that were EASY to gather!
(Isn't that how it always is?)

I have not finished my sketch for the pretty berries...
Too busy trying to identify some new finds.
I'll find a fresh sprig and work on that after I finish up some special orders~
Mix in a little work with play...
Mix in a little play with work! (giggle)

Hope your path is filled with wonderful treasures, Sweet Friends!


Miss Holly said...

Oh your posts are so wonderful....I just wish I could paint!! I have so many projects now but I still would love to paint....someday!!
I gave your little" bat drawing" notebook to my niece and she just loved it!!
I love pen and ink that I do....
have a lovely day!!!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Absolutely gorgeous, Michelle! You should write/illustrate a tree or leaf book! Honestly! Go for it.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I wish you were close by to get a big bundle of bittersweet vines. They are abundant this Fall. I love your pretty rosehips, too!

BJR said...

Aren't sketchbooks thrilling?! I have many that I've filled with things that touch my heart. I love your's!!...nothing like nature. Have a wonderful day!

Debbie Nolan said...

Michelle - loved seeing your sketchbook filled with your moments in time and treasures. Very lovely. Those rose hips are a real find! Have a great day.

Lorena Mellado said...

Hola Michelle,
Que bellisimas alas de hada, es lo que veo en las hermosa semillas de arce.
Soy artista de fantasia y aquellas me inspiran para crear con ellas.
Felicitaciones tiene un libro de hojas, semillas, además hermosos dibujos y bocetos.
Saludos desde Chile y la dejo invitada a mi blog.