Wednesday, November 18

Frosty Fall...

We have enjoyed the most beautiful
fall weather... sun and mid 60's~
Even a few days in the low 70's!

We know the winter winds are just
around the corner...

Winter doesn't feel as long and daunting
when November weather is mild...

Everything had this sweet sugar coating...
Rooftops with glimmering sprinkles!

While I was taking these pictures three gray
squirrels tried to take over the bird feeders...
My pup and I let out a few noises and
they took off limb to limb into the neighbors yard!

The Tufted Titmouse, Blue Jays, Cardinals...
Nuthatch, Chickadees, Juncos & Finches quickly returned!

Just a spoonful of sugar!


In the Light of the Moon said...

I just love your photos.Thank you so much for sharing them.Warm Regards,Cat

Anonymous said...

I never thought of it, but it does look like sugar. I love going out on a cool morning to walk the dog and see what morning brings to life.

Anonymous said...

Michelle, yes! Sugar-coated! They look pretty enough to hang on a Christmas tree if you could keep them from defrosting!

Hmmm....what if you spray-glued those Queen Ann's laces and sprinkled them with glitter and brought them inside for Christmas!

Wow! And teasels too! And milkweed pods! Minus the fluff, of course! And then fill the pods with tiny berries, etc.!

You and the kiddies could have a Glitterfest! ;-)


Tracy said...

I enjoy looking at these frosty images. I was thinking of grabbing my camera the other morning, but got busy and it escaped me.

Holly Knott said...

The queen anne's lace shots are just gorgeous!