Wednesday, April 14

Teddy Bear and My Thoughts on Art Shared...

A beautiful sunny day... perfect for picture taking!
Little Miss selected this new teddy as her favorite...
... she pinned him close to her heart~
He is going to be listed in my Etsy store
with fourteen other teddy friends!

All pressed...

Little Miss kept me company while I
selected a few vintage buttons to share with you!

Bright yellow for the bee hive bear...
Sweet soft pink for the delicate girl...
Rich blue for the Americana bear and his star charm...
LOVE finding buttons... LOVE sharing them!

Artist thoughts...
Many friends, family, students ask me about art.

How do you become one?
How do you get ideas?
How do you keep people from stealing your ideas?
How do you know they're not just buying it...
and copying it?
How can I sell my art?

Ooodles of questions from VERY talented,
creative and unique people!
Each answer I give starts the same way...
DON'T TRACE... Come up with your own ideas."
Art is from inside of each of us.
We all see the world in a unique way...
We add our own personality...
to be one of a kind.

I rarely purchase from copycats.
I can tell the original artist because it's details
are fine. It's feeling, moving.
It's quality... top notch.

You can be awesome.
Step out of the box to discover your own style.

Don't be afraid of people stealing your art~
They do.
It's not fun.
It's not fair.
I Federal Copyright EVERY piece I design.

Don't let cheaters stop you from being creative!
There is an amazing amount of fun to be had~
And a world of WONDERFUL PEOPLE who enjoy
collecting pieces from people like


Bird on Wire Studio said...

Hi Michelle,

I so so so needed to read this today. It's lovely advice and your bears are so adorable! I actually worry sometimes that others may copy my ideas, but I realize that my joy comes from creating and it shines through in my pieces. I don't copy others, but instead am inspired and nourished by them. It's really good to read this reminder that I should persevere with my art and not sweat the small stuff.


PS: I think I fixed my blog so you can actually access it now. :)

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Such great words, Michelle. Your cute teddy bears are beyond lovely!] You keep creating!! xoxo

BellaRosa said...

Michelle amor, I LOVE your new teddy bear collection! I think your work speaks for it's self, it is so beautiful and so unique to you! Funny but when I visit others blogs and see that they have some pretty lil pieces as soon as I see them I think...those look like Michelle's beautiful work and so far..they always have been yours :) I am also a firm believer to ALWAYS give credit where credit is due, that when you are inspired by someones work, do your own spin on it, put your own vision...stamp on your own work...does that make sense? sometimes the right words elude me lol But I do want you to know, that I come here to visit you not only to be inspired by your beautiful creations but just to catch up with you and enjoy your writings and pictures :) Have a beautiful week! Besos, Rose

Createology said...

Your new bears are adorable and so Americana. Your words of wisdom are so relevant. People are always going to copy but don't let that stop our own creativity. Happy creating...

Diane said...

Michelle, thank you for this great post--love your teddys too!

Tina said...

they are perfect Michelle - just had to have some :D
Looking for those bird ones too.
xo Tina

Cheryl @ Bingle Bears said...

Wonderful!!! I just couldn't pass up buying a few!!!

NMK said...

Your bears are just Adorable !!!!!

Jane said...

The bears are very cute. Thanks for sharing your encouraging words to everyone!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Your teddy bears are the cutest.

And thanks for your encouragement for all artist and creative types.


peggy aplSEEDS said...

i love teddy bears and yours are just wonderful!

Marthann's Musings said...

Michelle: what a moving and oh so very true post. What an inspiration you art to future artist. I love the bears, so cute. Your work is always so fun.

Anonymous said...

Michelle, you have been whipping these little creations out so quickly! And each one is precious.

Hugs, Diane

Anonymous said...

thank you for great words! And I can't stop looking your bears! They are the sweetest!!

Booklinks said...

And these are very true words!
Oh I love these bears so much..

Pitimini said...

are lo-ve-ly!!

MILLY said...

An interesting subject. I just posted about this, having discovered that someone had used my work.
It was good for me to read that others said my work was original and unique to me.

Your work is always wonderful. Your idea of drawing on the fabric works so well, and as you say your work is unique to you.
Best wishes Milly

Michelle Palmer said...

Thank you for so many wonderful comments~
Love your blogs... and all of the creative things you do!

Heavens2Betsy said...

A very eloquent response Michelle. You are very encouraging x

Joy said...

Just looking at your recent posts, you are incrediblly talented and prolific! All of it is beautiful.