Saturday, September 29

Oriole Watercolor~

One of my original watercolors~
Hope you have a beautiful fall weekend!

Wednesday, September 26

Harvesting seeds & pulling weeds...

Finding friends in the garden always makes me smile~

Cleome hassleriana is one of our favorite annuals!
They flower mid summer through first frosts~
The bees love them...

Ours have had a wonderful growing season~
They're taller than me!
(well... it isn't a grand height, but 5' flowers are impressive)

Gathering seeds~
Let them air dry, harvest the larger pods closer to the bottom.

Our Morning Glory grew into an impressive 'shrub'
yet we have had very few blossoms.
If our growing season was a month longer it would share more~

Zinnia's LOVE our soil~
I sow seeds directly in the ground every spring & they amaze me!

Weeds are flowers, too!
I did tug this one out... if only it stayed in the weed field~

Hope your week is wonderful so far, Sweet Friends!

Tuesday, September 25

Pumpkin patch...

Our daughter would always select the tiny, dented, half-rotted pumpkin.
She felt that no one else would choose it...

Our son would walk right up to the largest one.
More cool "yuck" to clean out...
Bigger surface to carve an amazing face!

Cinderella pumpkins, curling stems... gourds... fancy corn...
Oranges, yellows, honey brown and vibrant reds...
Concord grapes!
Honey Crisp apples!
Happy fall, Sweet Friends~

Monday, September 24

Pumpkins, crows & acorns...

I hope your week is off to a great start!
Sunday night football gave me plenty of time to play~

There's one in every pumpkin patch...

How many acorns are too many acorns to collect?
They really don't all look the same!

Stay cozy, Sweet Friends!

Friday, September 21

Whooo's in your studio?

Who is hanging around your studio?

Owls for Christmas, Owls for harvest... Owls in love...

Hope your Friday is a HOOT!

Wednesday, September 19

I Do!

Twenty years ago we said "I do" for the rest of our lives~

We met on a blind date almost 27 years ago...
My friend surprised me!
We were going out to watch a chick flick!
There he sat~ so handsome...
I wasn't dressed up...
Didn't have my hair "feathered!"
No makeup... (not that I ever wore it!!)
Within minutes~ I knew that none of that mattered to him.
I love sharing life with my best friend and
our two loving children~

Hope your day is perfect~

Tuesday, September 18

Harvest pumpkins...

These little pumpkins are from a while back~
The cold, wet... fall-like day has me in the mood to sketch more!

Not much time to play...
I've been working on my new calendar~
My deadline is rapidly approaching!

Just wanted to share their little faces again~

To let you know I'm thinking of you & sending big smiles your way!
Hope your week is off to a great start~

Friday, September 14

Scarecrow love...

Sweet scarecrow friends in my Etsy store!
Fabric transfers from my original watercolors~

If you have clicked "LIKE" on my Facebook page~
Please peek at the amazing 3-D piece Blossom Bucket made
from my pumpkins & scarecrows!
If I could figure out how to share it here~

My fun n' fancy stitch work~
Thankfully we're going for prim & fun!

Each treasure, hand-signed on the back~

Hope your Friday is off to a great start!
Thank you for stopping by~

Thursday, September 13

My fabric on Etsy...

I wanted to share some my new fabric in a fun way~
The amazing post cards with a little original pen & ink accent piece!
The small originals are not sewn to the post cards...

Sixteen fabric treasures with sixteen originals~
Available in my Etsy store!

I can't thank Red Rooster Fabrics enough!
I can't wait to see some of the treasures made with these fabrics!

Hello little Wren~

Bees are still busy with our fall blossoms!
LOVE the warm & sunny days we are having~
The postcards measure approx. 9.75" x 7.25" with extra fabric around them.
All details will be in the Etsy listings~

Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments & stopping by!

Tuesday, September 11

Fabric samples & their originals...

My original watercolor next to the matching patterns~

The fabric samples from Red Rooster Fabrics arrived!
The portfolio with the program was fantastic to receive...
To hold the gorgeous quality fabric~

My original butterflies... and the fabric they designed!

My stamp originals...

My flying feathered friend original...

Started drawing on postcard backs almost 30 years ago!
Who knew I would be painting on them?

Who knew the fabric would be this stunning?!
Red Rooster, did.

I love receiving samples of my work!
For all the nights I'm in my studio until 2am...
Working on fast deadlines...
Holding the finished piece is the best payment!

We had beautiful butterflies this summer!
Not sure if it was the summer heat or that I spot watered
my flowers through the drought?
Delicate garden friends that I will research and paint when snow flies and
I need a reminder of the warmth~

Hope your week is off to a fantastic start!
Thank you for sharing my journey~

Sunday, September 9

A gathering time...

Rocks in my pocket...
Handful of acorns...

Visiting my favorite lake friends!
They all get along...
They all agree that I am a bother!

A few of their feathers are in a plastic bag~
They feel that they have given enough to me.

Thank you for clicking on my Facebook page to follow along!
A giveaway is brewing over there...
New treasures for my Etsy store will be coming soon~

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Thursday, September 6

White on White...

Drop everything!
The light is perfect~

No time to paint these treasures today...

Saved in digital files somewhere~
I have a million "someday photographs!"

During the coldest of January days...
I will paint these white on whites!

Thank you so much for stopping by~
Wishing you joy!