Wednesday, September 26

Harvesting seeds & pulling weeds...

Finding friends in the garden always makes me smile~

Cleome hassleriana is one of our favorite annuals!
They flower mid summer through first frosts~
The bees love them...

Ours have had a wonderful growing season~
They're taller than me!
(well... it isn't a grand height, but 5' flowers are impressive)

Gathering seeds~
Let them air dry, harvest the larger pods closer to the bottom.

Our Morning Glory grew into an impressive 'shrub'
yet we have had very few blossoms.
If our growing season was a month longer it would share more~

Zinnia's LOVE our soil~
I sow seeds directly in the ground every spring & they amaze me!

Weeds are flowers, too!
I did tug this one out... if only it stayed in the weed field~

Hope your week is wonderful so far, Sweet Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Wie wunderschön diese Bilder von dem Garten sind und die kleine Schnecke da rum kriecht..
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke
