Sunday, September 9

A gathering time...

Rocks in my pocket...
Handful of acorns...

Visiting my favorite lake friends!
They all get along...
They all agree that I am a bother!

A few of their feathers are in a plastic bag~
They feel that they have given enough to me.

Thank you for clicking on my Facebook page to follow along!
A giveaway is brewing over there...
New treasures for my Etsy store will be coming soon~

Hope you have a wonderful week!


  1. The stones you gathered have a lovely blue hue, and I can't think that the birds think you are a bother.

  2. It's a wonderful time of year to be gathering. I think the birds are happy to see you by the way. They know you preserve their tiny feathers in such a special way!

  3. I really love the pic of the birds Michelle. If only humans could get on so well together eh?
    A x

  4. Such lovely objects to collect! I bet those birds enjoy your visit!
