Friday, September 14

Scarecrow love...

Sweet scarecrow friends in my Etsy store!
Fabric transfers from my original watercolors~

If you have clicked "LIKE" on my Facebook page~
Please peek at the amazing 3-D piece Blossom Bucket made
from my pumpkins & scarecrows!
If I could figure out how to share it here~

My fun n' fancy stitch work~
Thankfully we're going for prim & fun!

Each treasure, hand-signed on the back~

Hope your Friday is off to a great start!
Thank you for stopping by~


  1. This is just what I needed to take my mind off our horrible heat and bring me into my favorite season of all . . . autumn! These are just adorable and so creative! Thanks for sharing . . .

    Smiles and blessings,
    Deb oxo

  2. These are just precious! I love the journals in your store with crows on the covers, too! You are so talented!

  3. The scarecrows are so cute! You are just so talented!

  4. You know what I really love about these? That even though there are "scarecrows," the birds are still around. Makes me laugh, because of all the people that put the plastic owls out to discourage pigeons. And the birds still come around. Love it!

  5. What sweet fall images these scarecrows are! I am going over to visit your Etsy!
