Wednesday, September 28

To make her smile...

More long hours in hospital rooms...
More fabric sketches to share~
My heart wasn't into drawing~ but I wanted to make mom smile.

These little friends found her smile!

As I was sitting in my studio listing them...
They all seem to have the same little faces...

Little concerned hearts...
Worried looks...

They seem to reflect my heart~

Mom rests in a hospital two hours away.
I know she is cared for... safe... near her siblings.
It's different when you can see her for yourself.

I came home to a yummy peach cobbler that sweet Alaina made...
Hubby and Will took care of getting the whipped cream!
Our home was tidy, dishes done... laundry caught up...
I have to get into home & work groove again~
While my mind is hours away...

Hope your day is filled with love~


  1. Michelle,
    I know what joy my daughter's artwork brings to my heart, so it brings tears to my eyes knowing what your beautiful work must do to your mom . . . I know inside she is dancing on her toes! Continued prayers for you and your family!

    Smiles and Blessings,

    PS: Shhhh! I bought some more of your pretties. oxo

  2. Deb~ I never thought of it that way... thank you! I do LOVE when our children share their talents with me. Play a song on the piano over the phone~ yesterday Alaina texted pictures of pumpkins she painted in art class for a breast cancer auction... it does make my heart smile. Thank you, Sweet Friend... for always knowing just what to say :)

  3. Such dear little faces...mimicing exactly what's in your heart. I'm so glad they made your mom smile.

    And what a sweet comment from "smiley" - her words are perfect...and true!

  4. Your beautiful illustrations are full of love and caring Michelle, what a wonderful gift to be able to share them with your Mom. Sending up prayers for you and yours, Deb

  5. So sweet Michelle ~ I'm glad they made your Mom smile.
    Thoughts and Prayers being sent your way.
    Prim Blessings

  6. Your artwork must bring great pleasure to your Mum. love and best wishes from me x Jo

  7. Sorry to hear about your mum's ongoing hospital woes, but glad these wee guys could make her smile (((((HUGS)))))
