Wednesday, September 21

Giveaway Winners!

We are enjoying a very warm and sunny fall day~
Our milkweed plants have huge seed pods on them...
This little friend caught my eye and I thought
it would like to share the great news!
Two names were pulled from the bucket of 72!

Judy from Penelope's Beehive and
You each won a Santa!
Our caterpillar friend couldn't pull the names
so Alaina helped with the paper tags~

My transfer paper arrived this morning and I will be
making Santa's and other full color transfers for my Etsy store.
Another giveaway is just around the corner~
Thank you, Sweet Friends for all of your comments!

Wishing you joy~


  1. OH - I haven't seen a monarch caterpillar for years (despite having planted milkweed in high hopes they would come). Beautiful to see one!!

  2. Congratulations to Donna and Judy! You couldn't have had two better helpers for the draw . . . Mr. Caterpillar and Alaina did a fantastic job!

    Deb :o)

  3. Congrat's to the winners!
    Thanks for this giveaway and please email me when you have some for sale!

  4. I missed this one somewhere down the line!
    Congrats to the winners!
    Thanks Michelle for hosting!
    Prim Blessings

  5. Congrats to the winners, Thank you Michelle for hosting yet another wonderful fun giveaway! Hugs mary

  6. Upon my word...such a surprise I received this very morn as I visited your blog Michelle...I won a Santa! Truth be told, I simply could not believe my eyes! I am most honored...thank you ever so kindly for such a generous giveaway!

    Warm & gentle hugs,

  7. Bravo Bravo à Donna & Judy!!!
    I loved participating to this adorable raffle. ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

  8. Hi Michelle - I see that you are busy on your Santas and your festive designs. Your busy hands never seem to stop do they?

    Congrats to your winners - lucky girls!

    I love the picture of the caterpillar - its totally wonderful!


  9. YIPPEE!!! I won!!...(running around in circles)...I won!!
    We were traveling back home and I didn't realize that I was a lucky winner of one of your beautiful, gorgeous santas until tonight.
    Thank you for your generous giveaway, Michelle, and congratulations to Judy, too.
    LUCKY US!!

  10. Thank you for your comments, Sweet Friends :)
    I have been away. Mom has started failing... she has fought hard & strong for nearly 4 years~~stage 4 breast/bone cancer. We're simply putting one foot in front of the other and praying.

    Your treasures will be in the post today~
    Hugs and smiles...
