Wednesday, September 28

Something for baby...

Sailing along in an enamelware cup...
Protected from the sun by a large daisy blossom~
Both friends so fuzzy and cuddly!

Early bird wide awake with the Morning Glories!
I found this garden pot years ago...
I use it as a reference to plop one of my babies in.

Ladybugs make the best of friends~
Mouse and Lady love the garden as much as I do!

Another garden pot that sits on my shelf...

Little bear is wide awake while the moon sleeps...
Our children didn't want to sleep when the moon was bright!

A bunny...
Forget Me Nots...
And one more bucket from my eclectic collection~

Sweet little miss nestled in~ one of my favorite tiny crocks!

I keep white seashells in this aqua crock...
There is a pale blue companion crock that I
have filled with smooth river stones~

I don't see the dust when I look at all of the misc.
goodies I have collected through the years...
They're nesting spots for my friends!

The next time you see a lone, little container sitting
on a shelf... picture your favorite friend inside!


  1. What can I say, Michelle ... AWESOME as always. Lady, you ar so talented. I adore them all.

    Have a great week ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Michelle, when are you going to write and illustrate that children's book you have dreamed about? I will bet that you have a lot of followers here who would buy it! :-)
    These babies are PRECIOUS!!!

    Hugs and love,

  3. I agree with Diane! I love children's books and would love to see one with your illustrations! I have a confession to make . . . even though my daughter is in high school, I still can't resist a good children's book!


    PS: Boy you sure have been busy today! oxoxo

  4. How adorable, Michelle! Each one is prettier than the last.

  5. Oh Michelle, these are absolutely PRECIOUS!!!! I love all things baby and these are so beautiful to me ~ your talent is never-ending sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  6. Oooo they are so sweet and adorable!!!They make me smile and feel happy like when I was a child!!How do you do it?Just lovely!!!
    Lots of love

  7. They are so darned cute, you just can't help falling in love with them.

  8. Hi Michelle, Your drawings amaze me they are so adorable. I hope your mother is feeling better. I would like to see you to do a children's book. I bet it would be awesome. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.

  9. Oh Michelle- I love these- adore these- they are precious!! Seriously- these sweet illustrations need to be in a children's book! They are the cutest ever. They would make little ones smile so big!!
