Tuesday, December 21

Giveaway Winners & Treasures I Received...

Thank you for so many wonderful comments!
Our giveaway winner...
Ellen (Netherlands)
Ellen will receive the signed pocket calendar...
I searched through my sample boxes and
found 12 more little treasures to share!
Please click on the tree to see if your name is there~

I will try to leave a note on your blogs...
Please email me your address and your
treasures will be on their way to you!

While I was having a giveaway...
Look at these wonderful treasures that I received
from a VERY generous, fun, playful, vintage giveaway!
Nita Jo
Opening this box was as fun as the little
candy shop I went to as a child!
Each surprise more beautiful...
I hope you will visit her sweet, sweet blog!
Thank you, Nita Jo!
Click for a closer peek...


The linens so soft, so loved...

You know these beauties will be packaged
with some of my pen and ink illustrations!
The colors are beautiful~
I was able to take a few pictures of new baby
dresses... Do hope to have them listed soon!
Hope your evening is perfect!


  1. Congrats to the winners!

    Lovely treasures you received today!

  2. Hey Michelle! Is there another Becky, or is that moi? If it is moi, I think you have my mailing addy! :o) Just let me know!

    Love and hugs and prayers for a peaceful, warm, joyful Christmas full of love for you and yours!

    Love ya,

  3. Merry Christmas Michelle!
    Congrat's to the winners and to you for winning a giveaway.
    deb :)

  4. Congratulations on winning that great giveaway prize package from Nita Jo. Isn't she a sweetie pie?!

    Congratulations to your winners too!

  5. Such lovely treasures...enjoy they are all beauties! Congrtas!

  6. Awww Michelle - I got to the bottom of your lovely picture and saw my blog name on the sweet little sheep. Thanks so very much for picking me out of the hat. I will email you my details. Merry Christmas from a very lucky Bernie

  7. Oh I am so excited to be one of your winners. Thank you so much. I will email you my details.
    Hope you and yours have a really wonderful Christmas and 2011 brings you all you wish yourselves.
    A x

  8. What a wonderful giveaway package you received.... I am so happy for you.... you deserved it!!!!

  9. PS: your "announcement" tree is lovely!

  10. Congratulations to all the lucky winners. Michelle your gift box and all of its treasures inside are just so perfectly you. Happy Holly Jolly Joy to you...

  11. Hi Michelle!
    Merry Christmas! Been catching up on your blog posts-ahhh-it's so beautiful.
    I love those titmice-I love to hear them. A chickadee almost landed on my hand yesterday! They are thee most adorable birds and love to have conversations with me when I fill the feeders. My husband got me a squirrel-proof feeder for Christmas---uh oh, no more squirrels!
    God bless you!
    Love, Debra

  12. I'm so happy for everyone! I see some familiar names on the tree! congrats! And Merry Christmas to you, dear one! ♥♥♥

  13. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas
    and a very inspiring 2011
    Love Suzanne.

  14. Abundant good wishes for happiness and joy this season.

  15. Congratulations to your winners! Isn't it fun to give? I really enjoyed preparing my giveaway. I'm so happy it arrived safely and that you enjoyed getting it!

    Have a wonderful, Happy Christmas!

    Nita Jo

  16. Hi Gal! Pop over and say hi to Juniper, ok? :o) Praying for you, sweet friend.

    Love and big hugs,

  17. Yess I'am so so happy, to win the calender, I could not believe my eyes when i saw my name, thanks so much Michelle. this year I have a real Michelle Palmer calender in my house Wowwww :-)
    Congrats to the other winners !!

    Hugs, Ellen

  18. Such beautiful treasures Michelle- and those buttons- oh my! They made my heart skip a beat! Congrats to all the winners!
