Saturday, January 1

New Friends to Welcome 2011...

Happy New Year!
The morning sky was bright sherbet orange and pink...
Our home glowed for about an hour!
Unseasonably mild temperatures...
Ice jams melting all around us...
The feeder is filled with little feathered friends~
Especially this special little one!
Just before Christmas our Tiny Tim,
A Chickadee love that tried entering through a window,
...needed a little assistance.
After Tiny hit the window he flew down to a
small bush in a little L cove. He was perched/hanging
upside down like a cave bat...
I brought a hand towel out to protect him from
the whipping winds... and had him sitting upright again.
He watched me the whole time...
I pet his head, down his back... he turned and faced me...
After 3-5 minutes another Chickadee flew near my head
and began calling to the injured friend.

He took a small hop to the next bush...

Where they sat and had a pep talk...
He flew off to the feeder and then on his way...

I pet a Chickadee!
I know there are several trails nearby where they
have trained the Chickadees to perch and feed
from your hands...
I think that is very sweet... but this was special.

Wishing you sweet surprises for 2011!
Hope your year is filled with laughter, joy and
ooodles of creative moments~

Thank you for sharing your time with me~


  1. Wow that is soooo cool !! that is just the
    most precious little bird and to think
    you got to pet it!!
    What a little blessing :)


  2. How sweet is that!

    Happy New Year to you!

  3. Oh help such a wee thing in a time of need...such a kind and gentle beginning to the New Year surely.
    Wishing you and your family all the blessings of a new year. May your heart and home be touched with all that is bright and beautiful.
    Warmly...Judy ox

  4. Yes, that was very special...and I like the name you gave to the little chickadee. They are such friendly little birds.

    I save a hummingbird once that had gotten caught in a spider web. What a thrill!

  5. what a kind deed.....may you recieve nothing but kindness in 2011

  6. What a sweet story! We feed the birds during the winter and really enjoy watching all the birds the feeders attract.
    Have a wonderful 2011!

  7. I think I'm getting an idea for where you get some of your inspiration, Michelle! I love to watch the birds in our yard, too, and yesterday it was a cardinal, whose red color popped against the snow we have, and his mate {or maybe one he was wooing}. Enjoy your visitors! : )

  8. If Wipso sees this she will tell you about her close encounter with a British Robin! It's amazing the trust little birds will put in you when they know you love them!

  9. Bless you Michelle for taking such good care of our little feathered friends. We love our little birds too. Last year I had a cardinal that knocked herself out cold when she flew into our window. We kept her in a pet carrier in our bedroom for almost a week while she recovered. I still remember our joy when after 3 attempts- she was finally well enough to fly.

    Happy New Year Michelle- may this year bring joyful blessings to you and your family. I am looking forward to another wonderful year of your beautiful creations and reading your beautiful blog.

  10. So happy to hear chick a dee revived.
    We have this happen at our house a lot but not with such happy results to often.
    I have argued with my husband for 2 years about the placement of the feeder. In the spring I am moving it to within 3 feet of the picture window. Their take off pattern will be away from the house not toward it. This was recommended in a bird book. Sometimes you just have to take thing into your own hands. In a nice way.

  11. How exciting to actually get to pet a chickadee! So glad he was okay and was able to fly away. Happy new year to you!!

  12. Thanks for sharing your tale with us. Like Twiglet said I had a very close encounter with a little robin. I found it on the lawn in our garden. It looked stunned but I'm not sure why. As we have 3 little dogs I though it best to pick it up for safety. It just sat quietly while I scooped it up and took it down to our garden seat. It sat happily on my open hand and rested a while and we took a few pictures of it. A few minutes later it just flew off to the nearest bush.
    I often rescue little birds if they fly into the house windows and have quietly helped them to recover and fly again. I'm sure they just know I feed them and pose them no threat.
    A x

  13. That is a very special blessing indeed. Wishing you and yours much peace, joy and love in the new year. Tammy

  14. What a lovely post and the name chickadee, cute. We have long tailed tits (not so cute name) that look a bit similar.

  15. Michelle, that is so like you, awww, how lucky was that bird that you were the one to rescue him!
    Hope you are having a wonderful new year and enjoy all that it is bringing to you!!!!
    Margaret B

  16. What a special story! Thank you for sharing it and for saving the little guy.....

    Happy New Year to you, Michelle!

  17. Awww, how lovely is that? What a sweet and touching way to start the new year.

  18. What a lovely post! Happy New Year xx


  20. Aww, what a lovely way to start your new year.

    Hope the rest of your year is as great :o)

  21. Happy New Year!
    Chickadee's are my favorite bird and that is so awesome that you petted one and cared for it! Great photos too!
    deb :)

  22. How special and blessed for you to help such a beautiful little bird. The bond you shared sounds precious. Happy 2011...

  23. What a WONDERFUL way to begin the New Year! Petting a sweet little chickadee--I think they are some of my favorite little birds!

  24. Aw...I love your story. My son, Kyle, has a way with birds, too. When he was about 4 yrs old he walked right up to a chickadee on the ground below my parents bird feeder, bent down and pet it on the head before it flew off...then when he was about 9 years old a titmouse (my favorite) hit his bedroom window and fell to the ground. He ran outside and picked it up and rubbed it's head and back until it got the wherewithall to fly circle his head and landed on his shoulder as if to say "thank you" first, then flew away. I treasure those two moments and glad I got to witness it :) Blessings to you and yours in 2011

  25. What a lovely story Michelle, I'm so glad "Tiny Tim" recovered with your help. Very fitting that you should be the one to rescue him as your chickadee sketches celebrate their energy and personalities so well! Happy New Year to you and yours and may it bring you all peace, joy and good health, Deb

  26. What a beautiful story..You are so kind person Michelle :-)

    Happy New Year to you!!

  27. Happy New Year Michelle. Thank you so much for your card. I hope all is well x

  28. What a lovely story!
    Thanks for following - it led me to your blog. I'm following you now as well!
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year is filled with artistic inspiration and wonderful things!

    Gaby xo

  29. Michelle - God comes to us in the tiniest of moments if we have the eyes to recognize Him. The little bird is such a soft reminder of that truth. Blessings to you for showing such kindness!
