Sunday, December 19

Winter Visits...

Peek a boo!
A quick hello to thank you for your comments
on my pocket calendar giveaway!
I wish I had one for everyone...
...but I do have other samples!

So I will share 12 gifts on December 21st!
I will post the names & gifts on Tuesday!
You can leave comments on this post, too~

A few vintage baby dresses to share in my
Etsy Store later today...
I have put everything in the store on sale!
Must make room for more!
So many goodies... so little time...

I hope each of you are enjoying this
beautiful, blessed~ Holiday Season!


  1. Thanks Michelle! You are always so sweet and generous! I love the little journals in your ETSY shop! I'm so happy I have a little mouse in a stocking to enjoy this holiday season! ♥

  2. I love the photo Michelle! Jays are a favorite of mine.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
    Tina xo

  3. Thanks for the chance to win any of your artwork! Can't wait to see the new items in your shop!

  4. Thank you for the opportunity to win a piece of your art. I keep looking at the little birdies on the limb and smile each time I do.

  5. Love everything you do. Happy Holly Jolly Joy to you...

  6. Wonderful photo! Bluejays can be so comical, even when they're not trying to be (but then again, who knows, maybe they are fully aware of what they're doing!).

  7. Hello Michelle,

    You always have a way to help brighten a day!!
    I love the sweet little journal I bought from you awhile back and would love to be able to win something from you as well so count me in with the rest!!

    Loving Holiday Blessings,


  8. Michelle ~
    I haven't been by in a while, but when I saw that photo on my reader, I just had to pop over and say Hi!
    I would love to be in on your giveaway ~ I love your artwork! I am so happy with the items I have purchased from you ~ the creatures you paint are so full of life and good cheer! They always make me smile!

  9. What a cute little seem to have so many very different birds to the ones I have on my bird table. Just lovely. Thanks for sharing.
    A x

  10. Hello Michelle!! I just happened upone your Blog!! Do I still qualify? If not, that's fine....I'll be back for many more visits!
    Enjoy your Holiday Season!

    Nova Scotia

  11. Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!!! This is very sweet and generous!!!

    I just LOVE your work!!!

  12. Hi Michelle,

    I'm just dropping a line to wish you and your family a peaceful and joyous holiday season! I've been following your blog, but so swamped with Life that I haven't replied. But I'm reading and adoring your work as always!

  13. well, I'm probably too late, but my birthday is tomorrow--the 22nd, and I LOVE your art work... have a wonderful day and a blessed Christmas!
