Tuesday, May 18

Lights! Camera! Listing...

I have my camera back!
I've taking enough photos to send for copyrights
now they're ready for my Etsy store!

Five little dresses that I found at antique stores.
I wish I could find more of these... at a lower cost.
A sweet blog friend has offered some to me at
a wonderfully good price... I can't wait to see them!
So if you do not see one you like listed today...
I hope to have more soon!

... birds of a feather...

... feathers, fur and strawberries!

It has been so cold!
The wrens have arrived...
Now we are watching for the hummingbirds!

Sweet Chamomile and a tea cup...

Typical bear with a snack of honey!

This little bee buddy has been visiting
my honeysuckle...

Thank you for such WONDERFUL comments...
and for being so patient!

Hope you have a wonderful evening!


  1. wow! you are on a roll! so pretty! what a talent! i absolutely love your work!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  2. I love these...so unique and original!! Beautiful artwork! I'll have to remember these for my grandchild one day (when I am blessed enough to have one)
    Take care!

  3. these are just precious!!! love them all :)

  4. Oh - I LOVE themso much! These are the cutest things yet - I want one! You just have to make more~~~


  5. Wow! These are so beautiful! I wish I had little ones now to wear them. You are very talented. Thank you for sharing with us. Michelle.

  6. eeep! michelle...i love how you just keep coming up with new and fresh ideas! i love these!!! makes me wish i had a baby girl just to see her wear one of these beauties!!

  7. Each day I look forward to seeing your posts, your little works of art are so beautiful. And this latest batch of gorgeous old linens so wonderfully transformed is just stunning.

  8. Oh Michelle~ They are so sweet! Love them!

  9. I wish I could fit into these dresses! They're so lovely!

  10. "Sweet Chamomile and a Tea Cup" just precious.

  11. What a pretty collection of dresses

  12. How absolutely blessed you are .. such beautiful designs. Going back to look at more of your writes ...

    Have a lovely week.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  13. Beautiful sweet dresses makes me wish i had a daughter!

  14. Hi Michelle! I just stumbled across your blog today, and you are incredibly talented!! I had to share your blog with my DH! Your work is just beautiful!! The little dresses...fabulous!!

  15. These are just perfect - what a talent!

  16. Michelle, these are absolutely stunning! I wish I had a little girl!

  17. The dresses are so very sweet Michelle. I wish I would have seen this post before the estate sale I went to last weekend. They had probably 25 of these sweet little dresses all for $1 each I could have picked up as many as you wanted. I only bought one to hang in my craft room because I thought it had such sweet charm. Everything you create is beautiful!
