Monday, May 17

Sneak Peek Three...

I had the most fun adding sweet little
"design kisses" here and there.

These were a lot of fun...
Thank you for all of your sweet comments...
Even through our odd-pinkish-orangish-blurry photos!

I will have these five dresses and loads more
to photograph tomorrow afternoon...
I will tie a bright piece of string around Sweet 16's
pointer finger in the morning! ha! ha!

This teddy, skep and bee dress is fun!

There is a large honeysuckle bush just outside
my studio window.
Fluffy yellow and black bumble bees are
enjoying it... so am I! Very fragrant!
I love to hear the hummmmm... as they gather.

Good night, sweet friends!
Thank you for your patience~


  1. I love the smell of honeysuckle...mmmmm! These little slips and dresses are precious! The fabric looks so fine and delicate and your drawings enhance thier beauty! Lovely Michelle.

  2. Oh a teddy bear dress!!! How lovely! Just what I wanted...thank you.

    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  3. Most adorable little treasure ever! Oh - so cute!!!!!

  4. Enhorabuena!!!
    Son tan finos y delicados, me encantan!!!
    besitos ascension

  5. Oh I just love the teddy bear and bee dress! So adorable.

  6. How Precious they will look on some Lucky Little Lady...

    Best Always~Marilyn

  7. Michelle, you are such a tease....OMG I have to have the teddy one!!!!! And with a bee too!!!! You know I love bees!!!
    Margaret B

  8. I love the tiny feather hanging off the button ~ wonderful touch...and is that the bottom of the same dress folded up! Oh my ~ absolutely delightful!

    We have a huge honeysuckle in our yard and right now the air smells heavenly! I love all the smells of Springtime!

  9. I can not tell how amazing I think your artwork is. I love looking at each one you post.

  10. Hi Michelle, how do you always manage to put a smile on my face, just by me, stopping by your blog!

    I adore your talent! Such sweet sketches and so much detail to see. I love how you have scattered your sketches about, with little things here and there. I am sure these will be snapped up quickly.

    I also wanted to say THANK YOU for my birdie linen that I won! It is simply amazing. I almost didn't find the stamps, my daughter did...good thing. Thank you so much, Michelle. I just had to post it to my blog and I linked it back to you ;)

    I will treasure it always. I have to purchase a frame for it. I didn't have the heart to take it out of the plastic yet. LOL

    You have a great day and I can't wait to see what you have come up with next.

    Thank you again.

  11. Michelle, I'm wondering-will there be clothing for adults too? I know the dresses could be hung for display-are they meant to be worn too? You are creating such a wonderful line here-I adore it!
    Love, Debra

  12. Michelle, I knew how precious these were going to look once you put your touch on them! Someone is going to be buying an heirloom dress for a lucky little girl!

  13. Ohh My Michelle, these little dresses are just gorgeous and your drawings are simply stunning!


  14. Michelle,
    These are adorable! I can just see my little great niece in one of these. When will they be available for sale????

    Hurry and stop teasing.


  15. So love all your little dresses,
    how sweet and beautifully drawn ,and what special art pieces,
    Hugs Dorthe
