Thursday, May 20

Cock-A-Doodle-I-DO! Roosters...

Birds of a different feather!
Rooster time!

Finished the last piece last night while watching
American Idol with our teens...
Tissue box, please!
Love that the "last 3's" hometown's welcome them~
Ordinary guys and gals... that never stood out...
Knocking some socks off when they do what
they love and have opportunity to share!

I drew these eleven feathered friends on antique
dessert napkins (that's what the tag read...)
I thought there were 12...
Years from now I will find the 12th napkin...

What fun these were to draw!
I don't decorate with any themes... but I did
want to keep a few of these to frame and hang
in our wheat colored kitchen!
Instead they're all available from my Etsy store...
~please click here to go visit~

Thankfully... this black and white variety does
not shout "Cock-A-Doodle-Do!!!" at the crack of dawn...
But isn't that a marvelous sound?

Hope your day is sunny and very sweet!


  1. As always they are adorable!

  2. Is there no end to your, of course not! I received my package yesterday and please don't tell my sister but I'm keeping the song bird set for myself I think and I will give her the wren set. The bee on the pink fabric is so sweet...can't wait until the slip comes. I'm glad I don't collect roosters...they are wonderfully detailed!

  3. i was tearing up last night was so touching! i think Lee will win the finals though!
    he's such a sweetie!

    your roosters are delightful! going over to have a peek now..

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  4. Gosh these are all so lovely!!My sister would love love love these!!I was so sad to see Casey go last night,but happy for the other two!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  5. I'm speechless!!!! These are immensely beautiful. I love the bees in your shop. I would buy all of them right now if the Great Spending Freeze of 2010 didn't just happen in my household.

    *so so so sad*

    Congrats on an amazing collection!

  6. What beautiful work! If you get a chance, would you send me an email, I'd love to ask you a question.

  7. Michelle,
    they are wonderfull, and so alive, with all the detailes, your work is amazing. I`m so looking forward recieving my birdbabyes,
    xo Dorthe

  8. Your an amazing artist Michelle.
    I love roosters beautiful!

  9. Oh, they can crow at my house any time! LOL! This morning at 5 am it was the robins and I loved it! There's something comforting about hearing any kind of bird welcoming the new day. These are beautiful, Michelle!!!

  10. Michelle, I am amazed-your work is fine..I love seeing what wonderful projects you are doing.
    Love, Debra

  11. Just doing the rounds and I seem to be surrounded by roosters today. They are great mate!
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  12. Michele these are stunning! If I could I would by all 11. You my dear are so talented. Enjoy your weekend.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  13. I just received my order from you and it's wonderful. Michelle, your little birds and nests are just amazing. I so love your art.

  14. Wow, what talent you have. What did you draw these with?

  15. Wonderful art, Michelle! I was wondering, do you ever sell any of your watercolor paintings?

