Monday, May 27

Land That I Love~ Memorial Day

Honoring and remembering
soldiers and service members who
gave their life in service...
Memorial Day and every day.

'Land that I Love' is No. 3 in my Fraktur series~
Each rug measures 24" x 22"
Hooked with wool strips. I used #6, #7 & #8 wool cuts.
I am having such a fun time with this collection!
There is something about wool...
Warms ones soul~

No. 2 in my Fraktur series...
This design was inspired by walks along the Erie Canal Path...
Beautiful poison sumac blossoms with their long and draping leaves~
Green, deep sage with a hint of chartreuse... with a little wheat, gold, salmon..
They are fond of color changes!
Birds & chipmunks live along the pathway... waterfront real estate~
They must deposit sunflower seeds for snacks and 
then forget where they stashed them~
Every now and again a brilliant yellow sunny flower will peek up!

The illustrated collection is titled Frakturs & Flourishes.
Red Rooster Fabrics designed a fabric line from them.
I love putting down lines with my dip pens and homemade walnut ink.
Lines flow naturally, unevenly...
Curves and swirls fall into place as if they were following
the trail of a butterfly.
Tulips in Springtime and my mother loved bleeding hearts.
Purple crocus peeking through just as Robins are building their nests!
Earth day is in April... I thought the dome with the sun would
be a nice way to cover the birds just as treetops do.

Wool is a flourish of its own~
No extra effort needed!

Gold Star Families~ remembering you, too.
Peace and love~


  1. Your designs are always so lovely. I hope you consider doing these two designs in cross stitch. :)

  2. Remembering and honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice today and every day. Your designs are gorgeous.

  3. <3 Thank you, Friends! We will work on those cross stitch patterns, Stitchy Mc Floss! Karen (Sewmuch2Luv) has been bringing some of my punch needle works to cross stitch. They're so dear! <3
