Monday, April 29


Birthday milestones~
I have enjoyed watching friends share fun projects to celebrate
birthday milestones.

50 weeks of paintings!
60 sketchbook entries!
One gal turned 80, she shared different walks/hikes and 
photographs along each journey! (That was fun!)
30 poems...
I enjoyed watching a Facebook friend share beautiful tiny stitches
each day for one whole year and another
share her beach findings from her morning walks after turning 65!
It was a lot of fun to follow along, getting to know each of them
a little bit more through each milestone share!

I thought on it a bit...
50 Favorite Things!
One each week or as they pop up in time.
No. 1 Pincushions & Pinkeeps!

My mom pulled this one out of her 'cigarette drawer' and told me
it was her mothers. There was a narrow cupboard in my parents kitchen
with a tiny draw above it. That is where they kept their cigarettes.
Once they stopped smoking it became the coolest junk drawer. 
I LOVED to looking through the drawers when I was a child.
Our kids LOVED to look through ours when they were little.
Full of things that should have been tossed,
'But we might need it someday!'
Full of things that may have been taken away, too!

This is a yummy-looking cup of tea!
A little hefty as they are filled with emery powder/sand~

This is my 'Fried Green Tomato'
I just LOVE the movie Fried Green Tomatoes and this beauty
is the only green pincushion I have and
it is a little brown around the edges~

Alaina found this one at a thrift shop~
All of those beautiful glass heads, no uniform size & the colors vary.

Yellow and blue glass heads~

This little wool & velvet love is a 50th birthday treasure from a dear friend!
Love her, Miss L.

This beauty is the work of Donna Liljegren, Brynwood Needleworks!
I shared a link~ her shop is filled with treasures~

These two pinkeeps travel with me~
I purchased 'Lincoln' from the Etsy shop Avery Hill (our daughter)
Alaina is a printmaker, Lincoln is a wood carved print.
This image is printed on fabric from her original.

Hope you have a wonderful week, Friends!
Thank you for stopping by~


  1. Oh yes, pincushions are wonderful. I love making them.

  2. What a beautiful collection of pincushions you shared, Michelle! I know you enjoy them.
