Wednesday, August 28

Bats in the house...

My pumpkin guy is much more casual when it comes to touching and visiting with bats!
Hubby and I think they are the dearest and wonderful little creatures~
Our daughter woke us at 4am several days ago... a bat was flying around her.
Woke her from a sound sleep and she could feel the wind from its wings.
We had to save the little guy because (though a small chance) they carry rabies.
If the bat had walked on her... it should be tested.
Discovered sooner, we could have just returned it outside.
The one in her room was a common brown bat.

Hubby discovered this sweet guy last Friday when he was mowing the lawn.
This is a Hoary Bat.
It was hanging 1 1/2' from the ground on one of our young Maple trees.

Tucked in as it was a bright sunny day...

Our little Hoary Bat stayed in the same place for 3 days. 
From time to time it would stretch out his left wing.
We wondered if it was injured.

We were going to call a bat rescue group Monday morning...
(Just like when you finally get a dr. appointment----- the pain, rash etc. disappears!)
Around 6 pm Sunday night we noticed our little friend had changed position.
No longer hanging vertical... it had turned a little.
How we hoped it was going to fly to its next destination!

It did!
By 8pm our little "grandpa bat" was on its way!

Hope your summer has been filled with a flurry of fun...
... and not toooo batty!

Wednesday, August 21


Color makes my heart skip a beat~
I'm even distracted when I zip down to the garden for salad fixings.
I dash up to the house for my camera... dinner will be a few more minutes!

Giggle... Color palettes are everywhere I look!
Just love His design~

Giveaway winner!

Good Morning, Sweet Friends!
Do hope your week has been filled with creative projects~

The last few weeks of summer typically have us chasing our tails &
 this year is no different~ 
Our son is entering his senior year of high school!
Our daughter is entering her 2nd year of college.
A very exciting time for both of them!

We have a winner from my previous post giveaway!!!
Our Little Blue Cottage
So many treasured notes... loved to read about your memories &
creative ways to keep them tight.

The vegetable garden is slowing down...
Summer projects are winding down...
The studio is begging to be organized~
When our dear hearts return to lessons there will be time.

Hope your Wednesday is off to a great start!

Saturday, August 17

Giveaway time!

With so many technical gadgets it is much easier to capture moments and
store them on a disk, memory card... digital file~
Sweet memories that bring us joy!

Some moments are remembered only in our hearts~
There is no photographic record of it...
No way to prove it existed or ever happened.
The heart never forgets!

I will never forget moments with my dad.
He & I only had 12 years together... but the moments we shared are
collected and written on my heart.

For your chance to win this original pen & ink on fabric,
Please leave a comment on this post!
If you would like, share a favorite memory you have collected or
a favorite way of preserving your memories!

One name will be "pulled from the hat" Monday, August 19!

Hope you have a weekend filled with wonderful memories!

Friday, August 16

Good Morning!

Good Morning, Sweet Friends!

Hope your Friday is off to a wonderful start~

Monday, August 12

My cousin Candy's Etsy Shop!

C. M. Jones Creations
I hope you will stop by & visit my cousin Candy's new Etsy Shop!

I just LOVE her water bottle covers...
They are lined & fit nice & snug!
Wrapped so pretty~

Hope your Monday is off to a wonderful start!
My morning was made beautiful by this sweet orange friend...

The very first Monarch I have seen in my garden all season!
We have enjoyed ooooodles of Swallowtails, Red Admirals, Painted Ladies~
Our Milkweed crop is small this year... wonder if that has anything to do with it?
Made my heart smile to see one!
I'll be watching for more~

Smiles to you, Sweet Friends!

Saturday, August 10

From our garden...

Look what the bees shared with me~


Hope your Saturday is off to a wonderful start~

Friday, August 9

A messy desk is a sign of...

Good Morning, Friends!
I hope your Friday is off to a wonderful start!

I'm making a mess early this morning~
Seems that just when my studio might be organized... I need to play!
Time to stop playing and finish a few special orders!

I think we need a giveaway soon!
That would give me more reasons to play!!

Smiles to you~

Thursday, August 8

New fabric treasures!

Little owl friends... perched on pumpkins!

Sending love from the garden...

Sharing a four leaf clover~

Inviting you to star gaze with them...

Choosing the perfect pumpkin was always a long process!
Our daughter would pick one that was all by itself in the patch...
Or half rotted...
Or shaped funny~ 
She was worried they would be left behind.
Our son....... chose the biggest one he could find!

Garden friends...

Garden babies...

Sharing walks through the fields...

Friendship shared~

Tea time visits...

Peek-a-boo birthday baby!
These treasures & more in my Etsy shop!

Hope your day is off to a great start~
We have sunny skies... after an early morning thunder storm!

Monday, August 5


Each day we have a few Cicada friends climbing up our
Maple trees to "get their wings." 

Amazing... no matter how many times we watch~

Trying to blend in...
I see you there, beautiful!

Hope your day is filled with tiny & BIG miracles!

Saturday, August 3

Bombus, Honey Bee, Bumble Bee...

I'm pretty sure they knew I would be painting them...
My big hat and wee little camera leaning into their Echinacea!
They seem to tolerate me if I am still.

Thankfully, my layers of bug repellent doesn't bother~

I love snapping photographs of them sharing!

All around the Mulberry Bush...

When the bee stings... cure it with love & honey~

While I paint a collection I return the little originals to their frames so they will dry flat.
(That way I know which bee belongs to what frame)

The bees are enjoying our tropical summer!
With the wonderful rains & a few hot weeks our gardens OVER grew~
No neat clumps of blossoms here... no stepping stones in sight...
I have called it Garden Olympics.
I am convinced the Trumpet Vine & Sweet Peas are in a neck-n-neck competition
to see which one can reach the top of a nearby baby Maple tree first!

The bees are tickled to visit the blossoms just out of reach~ my reach!
"Ahhhh... we can gather without the camera pest."

~They tolerate me~
I thank God for their beauty & soft hummmmmm~
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, Sweet Friends!

Friday, August 2

My studio desk~

Conditions are perfect for watercolor puddles!
The sun is streaming in...
Family is settled & busy with their own projects...
Pup is taking a nap...

I'll share photographs as I go along!

Hope your Friday is off to a wonderful start~