Monday, August 12

My cousin Candy's Etsy Shop!

C. M. Jones Creations
I hope you will stop by & visit my cousin Candy's new Etsy Shop!

I just LOVE her water bottle covers...
They are lined & fit nice & snug!
Wrapped so pretty~

Hope your Monday is off to a wonderful start!
My morning was made beautiful by this sweet orange friend...

The very first Monarch I have seen in my garden all season!
We have enjoyed ooooodles of Swallowtails, Red Admirals, Painted Ladies~
Our Milkweed crop is small this year... wonder if that has anything to do with it?
Made my heart smile to see one!
I'll be watching for more~

Smiles to you, Sweet Friends!


  1. hiya michelle, donnalee here. this is not necessarily a comment so no need to post it BUT the craziest thing happened yesterday... I received in the mail the deer drawings I ordered back in nov 2011. I had emailed you that I had not received them BUT now they have arrived, they are absolutely gorgeous and I thank you much! I blest be ;D

  2. What a lovely monarch photo! We have a milkweed forest and I have yet to see a monarch this year. Monarch Watch says that they are at a critical low this year :( keep planting the milkweed and lets hope for a turnaround. Be well.
