Saturday, May 4

Yellow & Blue Watercolor~

My latest watercolor continues to take shape!
Daffodils are the first Spring flowers here...
Even when April showers keep our sunshine away~
There is no keeping them from brightening up our yards!

Yellow & blue are a favorite color combination...
They were our high school colors!

Sometimes I have a little difficulty with yellow in watercolor.
Perhaps more in landscapes?
Yellow flowers seem to smile for me!
I smile back!

Petals up front are soft & light...
Deeper and darker in the background to push those petals back.

Paintings are just like flowers opening~
One leaf at a time.

Hope you're having a beautiful Saturday!


  1. Michelle....this is so so lovely! do you ever sell your watercolors???
    Oh I so wish I could do what you do!!

  2. Michelle, you are such an amazing artist. The painting is so beautiful!
    many hugs
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  3. You truly have a gift for your beautiful painting of watercolors. I am in awe. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...
