Monday, May 6

Michelle Palmer Watercolor

Finished my Yellow & Blue Collection this morning...
It is ready to take to the printer!

Gardens are filled with beauty...
Everything waiting months & blooming all at the same time~

Grape Hyacinths...
Pale blue in the background, deeper blues up front.

Painting green "behind" the nest grasses & hairs~

Butterfly... paint light to dark.
Eastern Tailed-Blue has robin's egg blue, French Ultramarine & Indigo!

All of my artwork is scanned & digital files are made for licensing.
We are in the process of setting up a second Etsy store...
Our 2nd shop will sell my original watercolors and prints of them!
Hoping to have prints back from the city soon!
My current Etsy will continue to have new pen & ink fabric treasures
along with needle felted friends!

We will share here when the 2nd Etsy shop is open!
Thank you for your kind comments, encouragement & support!
Hope your Monday is off to a wonderful start~


  1. Love this watercolor! The Daffodils are beautiful.

    I'm looking forward to your second Etsy shop!!

  2. It has been a treat watching you bring this to life! Love this one!!

  3. Gorgeous! the nest is amazing, and I especially like the touches of blue on the daffodil at lower left.

  4. This is great! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Your work is truly beautiful. I know that my Mom would love to have a print.I will be watching for your etsy shop.

  6. Tres Chic Madame! These blues and yellows are the cheeriest. Your attention to detail is what sets your art apart. Very beautiful indeed...

  7. this is so lovely, thank you for sharing some of the process

  8. I just found your blog, and your painting is stunningly beautiful!
