Thursday, January 31

Needle felted bunny ...

A little peek...

His name is Kipper-2 until his Momma names him!
He is a twin brother to my Kipper~ "Keeper of the studio!"
Our bunny friend is on his way to a wonderful,
creative, loving home in Nevada!
I will need to find another felting project to
keep my lap warm at night!

Kipper-2 has been to the beach~
A starfish held onto his hat when a big wave splashed up!

Back to the studio for me!
I've been having a great time painting for deadlines &
tucking in a few fun programs, too~
Thank you for so many sweet comments for my bird notes!

Praying all are safe with these wild winter weather days~
Wishing you joy!


  1. So cute! You make me want to try felting!

  2. Oh my goodness! So cute...too cute for words. He must have been so much fun to make. I've never felted anything...wouldn't even know where to begin. Thanks for sharing your darling creation. I have always admired your work.

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina
