Thursday, January 24

Birdsong note cards~

Just makes my heart dance when my art samples arrive!

I miss fussing in the garden and our little feathered friends
perching nearby... I am patient during the winter months~
Well... I try to be!

This portfolio of twenty four notes (two of each design)
will be for sale at school, office and hospital book sales!
I'm trying to purchase a few extras so that I can have a giveaway!!

The outside of the cards have this beautiful texture...

In my handwriting... notes about our little friends nests, eggs, songs etc.~

I hope you are staying cozy through these wild winter days~
My pup stays snuggled on a fleece blanket I topped her studio bed with.
The studio is cold & she insists on keeping me company!
(and I LOVE her for it)

Wonder what our garden friends chat about...

Perhaps the Goldfinch tells the Bluebird where to find plump grubs~
Pretty sure the Bluebird gives the Goldfinch his blessing
 to eat ALL of the thistle seed as it swings from the mesh sock!
They just might be having a laugh at my attempts to
keep our gardens weeded~

Hope all is well in your hearts and homes~
Thank you for your wonderful comments!


  1. These are notecards that I would PURCHASE!!! Can I??? LOVE THEM!!

  2. Thank you, Deb!

    They will be for sale at school book sales, hospital & office book sales. I have a note in to someone that might be able to tell me where and when... each area is different. I know that my neighbor goes to a book sale at a local hospital two times each year... That is the type of product they are & where these will be available~
    I will let everyone know if I find them somewhere :)
    Smiles to you!

  3. Yes-please let us know-I also really really want a set!! Gorgeous, Michelle!

  4. Such sweet cards. I, too, miss the song of the birds in the winter. It's so quiet out in the yard now. Just came back from a little trip to AZ and was delighted to hear the chirping of the birdies there.

    Here's to summer-coming.

  5. This is so very exciting for you! I just know they will all be a success!

  6. Beautiful note cards. The texture really draws the eye to your drawings. What a wonderful fund-raiser these will be. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  7. Dear Michelle,

    your cards are amazing!! So beautiful!! You have such a great talent and you are such a great artist!!
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  8. Oh these are great! Love, love them!

  9. Dear Michelle - these are so lovely. Hope you will tell us where they can be purchased. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.

  10. Michelle, these are so beautiful! and Yes..please tell us when and where we can purchase them!Blessings,

  11. They are lovely they should be in great demand, very pretty.

  12. you always capture such loveliness in your work, the cards are really beautiful and what a wonderful fundraiser! You must be be very proud. They are so special, created by such a lovely hand. love your new header too. millyx

  13. J'ai passé un délicieux moment à regarder ces cartes. Je suis un peu loin et ne pourrai faire le déplacement. Dommage !
    Très belle journée !

  14. These are wonderful Michelle...i sure hope I can find a sale to buy them at! Maybe my granddaughter's book fair will have them...fingers crossed!

  15. You have done beautiful and sweet drawings !!!! I love them!! I want to see them again and again .....
