Saturday, October 27

The fun in fundraisers...

We love that our son is a musician.
He loved dance! Tap, jazz, ballet... lyrical.
A percussionist~ aka a drummer... loud and strong.
My drummer boy.
His piano teacher has never had a student like him...
I thank God for the music he brings to our home.

He is a Tenor 1
He is going to area All-State, All-County~
To Europe.

I made several of these for a Silent Auction that will help fund the
Select Choir trip to the United Kingdom.
They have been planning for over a year...
They're less than six months away from their amazing journey.

Don't stop taking pictures~
Window boxes...
Ornate details...
The countryside...
Yes, you can put friends in the pictures... if you must! (giggle)

I will have framed treasures for my Etsy store this week!
Trying to catch up on special orders and requests...
Thank you for being so very patient~ Sweet Friends!

Wishing you all the best~


  1. Our kids never seize to amaze us do they? Our son loves the violin. You can see the passion when he plays it and I love it. It was a late calling though, he started music and violin when he was 14 already and he loves it, just as much as he loves his drawing, but that's something he did and always wanted to do from the time he could hold a pencil. It's such a privilege when children can get the chance to develop their different talents.
    I wish your son a great trip!

  2. Congrats to your son. No doubt your beautiful artwork will bring in lots of money for the trip. Best wishes, Tammy
