Monday, October 29

Etsy through the storm...

All of the little treasures that I gather~
Saved for someday...

Dried sample of Queen Anne's Lace~

Seed pods, acorns, feathers...
All original illustrations in pen & ink on the front
cover of these sweet little craft journals!

Just listed them in my Etsy store...
Keeping busy while listening to the winds that seem to
grow louder and stronger with each passing hour.

Praying for everyone to be safe from this enormous storm.

Time for my little birds and bears to get their
winter woolens out of storage...

Time to hide away yummy acorns for a winter snack...

Wouldn't you like a sweater like his?

Be safe from the storm & in all of your travels~


  1. Sweet, sweet journals! Praying for you, your family, and those in the affected storm area. Be safe, friend!

    Blessings and prayers,
    Deb oxoxo

  2. Beautiful drawings Michelle!

    Will keep you and everyone in the path of the storm in our thoughts and prayers ~ stay safe.
    Prim Blessings

  3. Beautiful drawings. Hope all are safe and the storm passed by without too much damage. x Jo
