Monday, March 5

Itching to Play...

I whistle while I work!
(Much more pleasant than my singing...)
Our kitty cats come to the studio and meow...
When the windows are open~ I'm convinced the birds sing back...
My pup brings a favorite toy~ expecting my joy to bring her a treat!
The song means my art job is complete and it's time to tidy up~

When I finish up large design programs, my heart dances!
I'm in hopes it brings smiles to others~
I hope it adds to someones day~
Oh the places my art gets to travel... the people it meets!

With a clean studio and a song in my heart I've been catching up
on long-promised special orders... and playing with vintage linens!
So much to share!

I will start with a giveaway tomorrow!
To celebrate the little bits of spring beginning to peek out~

Our thoughts and prayers are with so many of you...
Your lives changed by violent storms.


  1. Your little drawings have so much character.

  2. Those little owls look like they're praying too.

  3. I close my eyes and imagine the joy that is felt while you are finishing up long projects . . . I can just hear your whistling and it makes my heart smile to know that you are on to something new that will bring joy to others. Thank you once again for sharing your blessings!

    Deb oxo

    PS We were over 80 degrees yesterday! I'm just not ready for the warm weather to begin in SoCal.

  4. Heartfelt post and prayers. Your art is joyful.
