Tuesday, March 6

Giveaway! Vintage Buttons & Linen...

It's hip to be square!
(Square meaning honest, traditional... loyal)

A spring giveaway!
(Just leave a little comment on this post for your chance to win!)

I found this beautiful linen in a bag of treasures I purchased...
It was bunched up, stained, knotted with string~
When I gently opened it up, thinking it was a bunch of lace,
Wow! A perfect treasure of love!
Hand stitched details are breathtakingly beautiful!

I sketched five acorns in random squares...
Ten beautiful vintage "square" buttons are included but not stitched on~
You can decide!

I think it is perfect to share this "found" treasure...
The artist that spent hours and hours stitching was sharing her heart!
The time she must have spent!

We have always encouraged our children to~
Take time to look for the good...
Take time to get to know...
Take time to decide...
Take time to grow...

In a fast paced world... it's always good to take some time~


  1. Ahh!...old linen, stitched by a caring soul...and your art (along with the old buttons)...makes a perfect "marriage", and a treasure for someone. BJR

  2. This is beautiful!! Love the buttons and acorns on linen. It would be an honour to be so fortunate to win! Love your work!

  3. wunderschön gemacht eine tolle Idee!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  4. Be still my beating heart.....

    What could be nicer, vintage linen, buttons and your lovely acorns?

  5. I try to 'take time' to drop in on you as often as I can. Love the buttons. :-)
    A x

  6. Buttons are so popular right now. The stitching and your art is the topping on the cake you could say.
    I would love to win this piece

  7. Oh what a gift! Antique buttons, square no less and linen...I would love to win this one.

  8. I cannot miss this gourgeous Giveaway
    I love buttons and linen and your treasure...Good luck to me..;-)
    Kisses from Italy

  9. Oh my! to have the skill that she had...to have the time to learn the skill - I'd even be happy with that! I can't imagine how you can part with it, but I'd love to give it a good home!

  10. Such beautiful old linen and buttons, and I love your acorns! What fun to get the chance to win!

  11. Love old buttons and linen.The acorns give it such whimsy.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  12. This treasure is beautiful and the addition of your little acorns and vintage buttons is perfect. I wish to win this so I may pass it on to a dear friend (whom you know). Blissful give...

  13. Such a wonderful found treasure!!!
    I would love a chance to win!
    Prim Blessings

  14. My current fascination with all things white means I absolutely have to get my name in the hat for a chance to win this!

  15. Michelle, your projects always bring smiles to my face. What a great giveaway. Good luck everyone.

  16. Beautiful giveaway Michelle ♥
    What a special find & I love the acorns you've added.

  17. Beautiful as always, Michelle. You always come "shining through" in your art. Even the wee little acorn. Love this. - Kathy

  18. Oh, it's just lovely in every way. What a delight to look at. ; )

  19. I adore needlework treasures like that! I know how much work goes into them too! Please count me in on this wonderful giveaway.

  20. Oh Michelle, it is simply beautiful!! I love your work.

  21. This is very nice!I like it very much!

  22. What a wonderful treasure !
    I would love to try to win this treasure!

  23. What a beautiful thing! Gourgeous! Buttons are my love! And your drawings, they are so lovely!

  24. A brilliant piece of work! The buttons break the monotony. Lovely!

  25. Wow, it is so beautiful, I would love to win and display such a treasure!!

  26. Love love love it. What a treasure. I always wonder about the lady that made it, what her life was like, etc. The square buttons with the acorns are a perfect addition.

  27. I love old linenes, buttons and your art work. What a great combination and such a piece for display. Don't we all just love a great find.

  28. What a wonderful piece for a giveaway! Beautifully created as always. Love the design, drawings and those square buttons are just icing on the cake!

  29. o,wauw,what a beautifull piece!!
    I would love to win this!!
    And you made such beatifull little acorns on it,just too cute!!
    I hope I make a chance to win this piece...:O)
    Love from Holland,

  30. What a beautiful piece of linen and I love your adorable touches. Thanks for sharing it!

  31. Hi Michelle, What a lovely piece of art! I love that you added more art to it!! Too cool! Please enter me for a chance to win this lovely piece!!


  32. I love old linens carefully stitched by a pair of loving hands. I image the woman sitting and stitching maybe in her garden with butterflies dancing around her. I wonder who she loved as only one who loves can create. Old buttons conjure up lovely images of my grandmother. I got none of her collection when she died but as a child I played with them. Your work in one word Michelle is Wistful.....love that word don't you? Acorns...watch out the squirrels might get them!

  33. I can see this beautifully framed. My favorite things, nature art, beautiful old buttons, and linen. I'd love to win, it is precious, thank you for being so generous, and talented.

    Donna H

  34. this is beautiful and i would love to win! thanks for the chance!

  35. I just found your art on Etsy, and I think it's absolutely wonderful! Your drawings are so cute and very well done. I love them. You are an absolute favorite. Thank you too for the contest!

  36. Michelle, this is gorgeous! Your acorns add so much to the lovely composition with the buttons and lace. I love it! Thanks for a great giveaway. :)

  37. Michelle, I hope it's not too late to enter the drawing for this wonderful little treasure! I love your work and I love what you put it on! And, buttons, too! Perfect!

    Sherry in Little Rock

  38. I hope I am not too late. Been away and just read this. Would love to own such a great piece of your work.
    Lafayette, La

  39. What a beautiful piece, the drawing and buttons really enhance it's beauty. Lovely.

  40. Michelle--
    I'm not here to enter-- I just want to say that the linen is just beautiful. It looks perfect with the buttons as you have them arranged. If it were mine-- I'd frame it- just so!
    Sending love-

  41. This is gorgeous with the buttons on it. Great and artful insight on your part to create this piece... It's lovely.

  42. these would be perfect for a necklace I am making. If only they were for sale. Thanks! suzanne@ 87buttons.co.uk
