Wednesday, February 15

Wool Needle Felting...

Special orders are a joy!
These little needle felted friends and their homes
arrived in the hands of a sweet blogger friend on Monday!

I'm working my way through a fun list of requests...
Sometimes it takes me a bit to find the right vintage item
to finish a special order~
It took several stops to find little boxes to house these friends!
The wooden boxes in my previous post... another discontinued item.

Thankfully~ all of you know how quickly the market changes
and you're so flexible and understanding.

My next special order~
Pen and ink illustrations on vintage tea towels...
I finally found the most perfect linen~ to finish the collection!

While relaxing at night... I've been making a new collection of
little canvas tote bags for a sweet gal to choose from!
She wanted me to add a little color...
I hope she likes my idea!

If only the laundry and house cleaning could be more creative!
I hope your cup is overflowing with joy~


  1. Those little felted animals are so cute!! I have always admired people who make them!

  2. You took the words right out of my mouth . . . my cleaning would get so much more attention if it only involved a bit more inspiration. Always more fun to spend time in the garden or crafting a new project . . . or even to go antique shopping. Hee hee. Glad to see I'm not the only one!
    Smiles and Blessings,
    Deb oxo

  3. I love them, so charming!!!
    Lovely details!

  4. awwwww! so, so cute & I really love the sea turtle :)

  5. These are precious! The boxes are beautiful...and that blue whale is the cutest! She will be thrilled! ♥

  6. Those felted animals and their boxes are adorable!!!
    What a wonderful gift idea!
    I wish the house cleaning and laundry could more creative too!!!
    Prim Blessings
