Friday, February 17

February Greens...

You can say it...
"But don't you live in a snow belt?"
"Lake effect storms"

Well... not this year~
Yesterday, a rain-soaked day...
Today we are enjoying bright blue, gorgeous sunny skies!

Whatever the weather~ we happily welcome each day!

I bent down to pick up a branch and
looked across this mound of moss thriving on the driveway...
Looks like a gorgeous landscape!

I decided that if I examined the blanket close enough I would see
wee little fairies walking barefoot~ soaking up the sunshine!

My studio is filled with natural light and exciting deadlines!
Back to work...
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Kind Friends~


  1. Hello Friend!

    I was watching bluebirds this morning, listening to mourning doves hooting, and just loving this perfect sunny day! And I agree with you-EVERY day is perfect.
    It has been unusual, to say the least-but I am still praying and hoping for March to be spring, and not winter just catching up to us.

    Love, Debra

  2. Beautiful pictures! It's been quite the non-winter here in Eastern Ontario this year. Loving each day!

  3. I do believe you're right . . . I think I caught a glimpse of a wee little fairy living in the land of moss on your driveway! Enjoy your day dear friend!

    Hugs, Smiles, and Blessings,
    Deb oxo

  4. Beautiful post Michelle!
    Oh I can't wait for spring!
    Prim Blessings

  5. What a special view of your mossy landscape. Yes...I do think I see some little fairies flitting about. Wonderful weekend...
