Monday, July 25

Loads of Fabric Originals...

Our Crow friends are hoping for a rain puddle!
The storms and rains are all around us... nothing here~

This post is filled with new art treasures!
I had fun photographing them... I have not seen
the little bear faces and buzzing bees for weeks!
These are waiting room pass-times~

Honey Bees were enjoying our Milkweed blossoms...
I even found a wee baby Monarch caterpillar!

I never made it to the fields to pick strawberries...
They will taste twice as good next year!

Ooodles of bear hugs...

More beary~loving hugs!

The bears and bees will have Vegetable Ivory buttons
included with my little gift tags~ a way to say Thank You!
A little something different... I love the warm colors!

Hope you will visit my Etsy Store to find
these treasures and more!
I'm on my way to list them now!

Wishing you all the best, Sweet Friends~


  1. Michelle-have you sold all the crow pieces already-I don't see them in your shop.

  2. Your artwork is wonderful! I especially like the bees and bee skeps. :)

  3. They are all so sweet Michelle! I love them all...t. xoxoxo

  4. Oh I am so pleased to see the bears back Michelle...I'm off to Etsy next!!
    Hope you are enjoying your week.
    Warmest hugs,

  5. Hi Michelle, Your art work is absolutely amazing. I have seen several but by the time I make up my mind someone else has bought them. Hospital waiting rooms are a great place to get things accomplished to take you mind off why you are there. Have a great week and take care. Your Missouri Friend.

  6. Hi Michelle,
    Adorable, adorable, adorable! I love them all!

    Smiles and Blessings,
    Deb :o)

  7. WOW! I see a few that I missed and would love to have had. Ah well, at least I got two :) Wonderful as always!!!!

    "Her" and Romeo

  8. Michelle, received my package yesterday and I wanted to Thank you and let you know that you do amazing work!1 I am hoping that you will do some fall ones like you did last year with the squirrels and acorns! Thanks again!!

  9. LOVE the honey bees and the bee hives - they are fabulous! You are so in tune with nature - your drawings are exactly what we all see and enjoy. Thanks Michelle - your talents are amazing. (I can't even draw a good stick figure!)

