Sunday, July 24

He knew...

When I was away, daytime would roll into the wee hours
of nighttime without much notice.
The hum of moms air conditioner replaced the sounds of
my feathered friends who wake me in the morning~

I read a scripture that caught my heart.

"The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped..."
Psalm 28:7

That afternoon I set out for my new palette~
This expense was not in my budget.
I gathered a hand full of tubes, just the basics...
Trying to think quickly, so the attendant could lock the case!
As I started down the isle a woman touched my arm
and asked if I had the coupon. I smiled and said no...
She sorted through a small collection of papers and
handed me a coupon. It wasn't a typical 40% one item...
It was 40% off your ENTIRE paint purchase!
I choked up!
Gave the woman a hug!
The kind woman asked if painting was a way to relax.
I tried to explain briefly about my projects & deadlines~
That I was visiting from out of town...
It is difficult to describe my job in one sentence.
When you share that you're a professional artist
some people nod and smile...
Others laugh and comment, "Aren't we all..."
Others are intrigued.
This woman was genuinely interested...
So I shared.
She was very kind. We talked for 15 minutes or more.
The scripture floated through my mind as we wished
each other a pleasant day...
I was helped.
God knew my needs.

I couldn't forget the woman.
I trotted back into the store to see if I could find her.
She hadn't left! I asked if she would permit me to send
her a small gift~ to thank her for the $50 she saved me!
Not sure I would hand out my address to an odd duck...
She did!
I think a mini 2012 calendar might be the perfect gift~
I hope she will be reminded of how much she
touched my heart... each time she peeks at the date!

Thank you, Sweet Friends... for so many uplifting
comments and for all of your prayers~
The world is good.
People are good.
God is so very good.

Hope your day is filled with  joy and love~


  1. The kindness of strangers is a wonderful gift. Thanks for sharing this. I'll always remember the woman who gave me a huge department store discount coupon when she was in the checkout line in front of me. I was flabbergasted and thankful too!

  2. The Lord touches our lives through many people each day if we only have eyes to see. I am so happy to hear of the wonderful blessing that came into yours! Have a shining Sunday!
    Tina xo

  3. I love when God sends people at that moment to give me just what I needed.
    I will be praying for you.
    I am so glad that the lady was there and it was such a divine appointment.

  4. Michelle,
    He is there to hold your hand. All of these things are His way of saying, "I will carry you through."

    Thank you for sharing your blessings with us. Our prayers are there for your support!

    Deb :o)

  5. This is such a lovely story...and a sweet reminder of how much random acts of kindness affect others! Thanks for sharing!

  6. God does indeed work so many miracles in our lives. That woman was definitely an angel.

  7. You found an angel that day and she ministered to your need. God is indeed good!

  8. And sometimes we entertain angels unaware. Take care. Thinking of you. Wonderful story. - Kathy

  9. I just read your previous post and I'm so glad that you found the perfect palette and now to read today's post!! What an extra special story...I just love when God works things out like this!
    What a dear woman she was and I think she will as blessed by your calendar as you were by the coupon she shared!

    Your mother is in my prayers.

  10. The Lord is near to those who love Him...thank you for sharing your was indeed a blessing to read it. Praying that He will bathe you in His comfort and peace, and keep you snug in His mighty arms.
    Love you, Michelle,

  11. I am sure there are angels out there - we just need to know where to look. Its when we need them most that they are sure to be there. Thinking of you. x Jo

  12. Inspiring post! Angels are everywhere!

  13. What a lovely interaction to lift your day

  14. Lovely post Michelle.
    Such a sweet jesture ~ we need more people in the world like that.
    Prayers for you and your Mom.

  15. oh..when God takes care of Joyful!!!

  16. I loved your post.. God does provide in one way or another. More than once I have been blessed with an extra ticket or when we went to Disney we were getting ready to leave and had 7 meals left on our meal plan. We sought out a family that looked as though they had just arrived. I asked and they had not purchased the meal plan and were waiting for their rooms. We surprised them by giving them our dinner tickets. They were so excited. They were unsure what they were to do about eating that night. It felt nice to do something for someone else and put a smile on their face. As we said god provides. Not only for the receivers but for the givers. I bet this woman found your story interesting and you too had made her day too.

  17. What a very heartwarming post, I am sure your gift will be very well received as was yours.

  18. yes, yes michelle...know that He is always with you AND He's gone ahead of you AND He brings up your rear guard. and along the way He blesses you with love & prayers & support! blest be :)

  19. What a lovely story's nice to know there are still people around who take the time to share a kindness in this busy world we live in today.
    Warmest hugs,

  20. Thanks for sharing this story! God puts people in our paths for a reason.

  21. Michelle - MY heart breaks to know that your Mother is so ill - I truly know your pain - I have been there. It is a blessig from God that we find healing in the words of strangers - it is exactly what you needed at that moment.

    I wish your Mom comfort and peace - and for you - I wish for a blessing to ease your sorrows~~


  22. Michelle, what a beautiful picture of God's outrageous love for us. Blessings to you!

  23. Oh what a touching story, Michelle! Isn't it wonderful that God provides us with what we need at the exact time we need that?
    Thanks for sharing and for reminding me to always trust Him. And to not doubt.
    Monica xo
