Monday, May 10

Strawberry Treasure and Glitter...

As we sorted through mounds of linens one Saturday...
Our antiquing friend, Sweet 16 and I
came across this gorgeous treasure~
She gave it to me as a birthday gift!
All hand stitched... each berry different.
If you click on the photo for a better look
you can see the highlights, seeds...
The piece has been used, loved, worn~
So delicate...
So perfect...
So treasured!

My sweet friend, Diane Knott posted about how
she stores her glitter here... so pretty!
I shared how I like the salt/pepper with the slide tops.
I store fine glitter in that piece because I
am able to slide the holes closed for a smaller opening...

The top with the round nub closes itself...
That one is nice because it will pour out in a tiny
area... only one larger hole.

Plenty of days the kids go to school with glitter
on their cheek or hands because I chose
to make a fairy dust mess somewhere in the house!
Hubby... the engineer, a dept. of men... with glitter kisses!
Oh my!

Hope your Monday is off to a great start!


  1. Hey Michelle! So THAT'S what you meant by the little "slider". How cool is that! Probably because I haven't been looking before, I've never seen this on a S&P shaker. I guess that will be my new hunt and search item!

    I'm loving all of the doilies you are drawing on. Oh my! Now they are double treasures. Hmmm...I can see you now searching out MORE in your antiquing jaunts!
    Clever girl!

    Hugs and Blessings and Happy Sketchings!

    PS: The word verification is Prago. Hmmm...we had spaghetti last night! ;-)

  2. Michelle, I have a mention to your blog today and a photo of the beautiful rabbit drawing I got from you! Hope you don't mind!

    Have a great week!

    Lou Cinda :)

  3. Michelle, the strawberry motif has always been a favorite, and this new linen acquisition by you and Sweet 16 is just so perfect! Hope your day is glittered with wonder! ~ Angela

  4. Hi Michelle:
    I love strawberry embroideries, and this one is exquisite! What a perfect birthday gift for you from your friend.

    Hope you have a wonderful week, my friend. I'm going to start work on my project using your squirrel/acorn/oak leaf drawings! woo hoo!

  5. I am always amazed by your talent. Love the glitter shakers.

  6. Love your strawberry embroidered strawberries! Have a great Monday!

  7. Michelle,
    Great idea with the slide containers for glitter!!

    Wonderful linen, with strawberries. What a treasured gift.

    Off to see your new birds on old linen Diane mentioned.


    barbara jean

  8. Michelle,
    I just got back from your ETSY shop, and the pen and ink birds on linens are amazing!!
    I'm not one to get many things for myself, but may have to have one of those.
    Better hurry and decide though, as they will probably not last long!


    barbara jean

    PS any ideas on hanging the? too nice to set around. maybe frame them?? would work, but do not want to take away from them either.

  9. Bless the guys who can wear a speck of glitter! My dad, who lives an hour away, even had some on him. Gotta love 'em! Of course all the artwork is lovely too!


  10. Michelle,
    I want the baby birds on branch birds on the 11x16 doily, but having trouble logging on to my etsy account

    going back to try again now.
    if any way to hold it please do.



  11. Me again.
    Got it!
    Happy Dance!!

    blessings and thank you for such beautiful work!!

    barbara jean

    Oh. Idea. think hanging them on an old hanger, or a branch would be cute.

  12. Hi Michelle, thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog! I have really enjoyed reading yours as well~ I love your art and your etsy shop~ I am your newest follower and looking forward to reading more!

  13. Strawberries are my favorite food! Yum! I love this piece that you've shown us today ~ it's yummy too!

    Isn't it fun to store glitter in shakers (of all sorts). The one with the little nub is my favorite.

    Thank you for mentioning my giveaway on your blog...that's so nice of you.

    I also have to tell you how much I love all your new doily drawings. They are all so beautiful!!!

  14. I found your blog from Diane Knott's blog. Your work is absolutly breath taking. So glad to have found you.

  15. Your strawberry treasure is beautiful. Glitter kisses...I love that. I have not seen these slider or single nob top shakers either. Great glitter holders.

  16. Hi Michelle,
    I think it's wonderful that you can appreciate such a lovely vintage dresser scarf. It is so pretty and special.

    Like the idea for the glitter containers too.


  17. Great idea! Just love the strawberry doily!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful day,

  18. Oh, and here I thought that might be blue sugar! I never thought of putting glitter in shakers... now I have something to look for in the second hand store. Glitter in pretty glass shakers would look great in a display.

  19. Michelle - I love your newest creations on the linens - what a unique idea. Your artistry is totally amazing!

    Have to say that I so LOVE the strawberry vintage treasure for sure!

    Oh - and I am married to an engineer also. Bet you and I would have lots to talk about for sure!


  20. The strawberries are so lovely! I love vintage linens and handwork. I love to imagine the thoughts and feelings of the person who sat and made such intricate and lovely pieces. I wonder if they were anything like mine when I needle felt...

    Thank you for sharing this treasure!

  21. brilliant! salt and pepper shakers for glitter - a total forehead smacking moment.
    Love the strawberries!

  22. What a wonderful gift! Beautiful!
    Glitter makes every day special. ;)
