Tuesday, May 11

Along the Shore...

These are the teeniest, wee little acorns from my
sweet friend Abby... Bird on Wire Studio
She included them in a package...

From time to time I need to walk away from
the studio... deadlines... computers... and restore.

"Art enables us to find ourselves and
lose ourselves at the same time"

Thomas Merton

I love living in the country...
We are minutes away from several lakes~

Lake Ontario, chilly and windy, shared tiny treasures.
Found a few bits and pieces of acorns... stones... feathers...

Found rest, left some stress on the shore and
came home restored...
...with pockets FILLED with treasures!

Wishing you moments of joy~


  1. Hello Michelle,
    I just discovered your blog and am in love... you share so much beauty!
    Just wanted to say 'Hi' and let you know I'm joining you on your blog journey... delighted to come along.

  2. Restoring ones soul is so important. I find that same healing quality in nature, my friend. Thanks for sharing your photos. You KNOW I love them! ;-)

  3. Such a lovely post and so true. We do need to take some down time to restore ourselves once in a while. Happy restoration...

  4. Dear Michelle - thank you so much for your post and your comment on my blog. You are a great source of inspiration and light for me as an artist and you are a dear friend (even though I've never met you)! I'm reminded of how much I need to be by the water and gathering small tokens of natural beauty. Thank you, as always, for your insight and kindness.

    Keep smiling!
    Abby :)

  5. What is it about flat, smooth stones that we love so much? My family has been collecting them for years. And I love the little acorns!

  6. Great post today! It might be strange to say but. I luv the snails. Ive never seen any with shells like that. Verry intresting. Thanks for a new look at snails...Julian

  7. Hi Michelle!
    We carry lots of those stones away-I am in a tizzy trying to keep just a few...We love going to the bluffs...we need to get up that way again...
    Love, Debra

  8. Oh I love finding treasures on the beach, you got some beautiful things

  9. I love all your treasures,.......but FORGET the snails.

    (O: (O:


  10. Oh, I love the beautiful things you can find just walking and looking at the wonderful world God created. I'm still a little child when it comes to that...and I don't want to ever lose that wonder...

  11. Michelle- lovely post~ sometimes we all need to refresh and restore...

  12. How nice you can go on nature walks!!

  13. what a peaceful and enjoyable post! nature at its best!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  14. Hi Michelle,
    That is one of my favorite things to do at the beach--look for treasures. A couple of years ago my in-laws took my husband, son and I on a trip to Greece to meet family that we only knew through letters and photos. It was an amazing trip and some of my most favorite souvenirs where treasures that I found on the beach. Pretty white stones, tiny blue shells, and the most colorful pebbles I have ever seen. I am glad you had a relaxing time on your trip. Nothing like time to refresh one's mind with the beauty of nature.

  15. A wonderful way to clear the cobwebs out of your head. I know Donna loves those acorns!

  16. Hi Michelle, I love your stones and acorns - but I REALLY love your bird paintings in black and white...all of your critters are so cute! Have a great week,

  17. I love the little treasures that we find from nature - these are wonderful! Love your blue jars too!


  18. I know, Michelle! The search...whether it's for vintage goodies or objects de nature, it's calming, isn't it. And what a joy to display them. Gifts from Mother Nature....they truly ARE the real vintage ones, aren't they! :-)
    Have a beautiful day, sweet friend!
    I think rain is coming your way again and sweater-wearing temps.
    Here too. But the rain has made the leaves open more and I'm loving all the green outside our windows.
    Hugs and blessings,

  19. Enjoying nature does indeed replenish the soul...the quiet, the beauty, the scent of the earth and water. Thank you most kindly for sharing those precious moments...
    Warmly, J

  20. Hello again! We would love to meet sometime at the bluffs! This time I'm bringing canvas bags for my rock gathering, though! Geoff already knows he will be lugging stuff back to the car for me!! For sure-some time this summer-a 'bluff meeting'!
    Love, Debra

  21. Finding little treasures is such
    great joy.It always makes me happy
    I also love living in the country
    Where life is slower and people have time to listen to each other and to nature!

  22. I love collecting things from the short, rocks, shells, driftwood. I can't wait until I get some beach time, it is my favorite place to be : )

  23. It's always good to take a break and return refreshed, it often gives you a completely new perspective on whatever you are creating too.

    I received my little doily with the teddy on today Michelle and I am thrilled to bits with it! Thank You for the added tags, I'm sure they will come in handy.

    Didn't take long to reach the land of OZ! Now to find the right frame.

    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  24. Thank you for letting me "walk away" with you! Love all the pretty photos of your world!
