Monday, March 8

Little Sparroooow... Little Sparrow...

American Goldfinch... with his eye on the feeder!
Clusters of these sweet friends perch
in the honeysuckle bush beside my studio.

I had a wonderful time sketching these
sweet little sparrows! Chipping sparrows feed on
the ground year round here. Their sweet rust
tops show up brightly against the snow cover~

I listed these and more at my Etsy store
Please click here to visit!

Thank you for so many sweet comments about
my sketches! I'm so thrilled to share these
one of a kind treasures~
I love owning originals...
I'm humbled and blessed to know you do, too!

Hope your week is wonderful!


  1. OMG! First ~ AMAZING!
    Your art is sooooooo ME! :)
    You are very talented!!!

    However, i fear my husbands reaction when the lil scraps of lovliness arrive, do you ever do your scetches larger? :)
    If not, I will just have to get some & frame them before he gets a peek! HA! Boyz just don't get it! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog too!
    I need to peruse your Etsy shop again and TRY to decide, perhaps one of everything will be the verdict! :)
    In awe of Him! L~

  2. Beautiful beautiful art. these are so stunning
    hugs June xxxxx

  3. wow, I adore these drawings!

    Your work is incredible, Michelle ♥

  4. I love your beautiful designs.

    So inspiring.


  5. Michelle,
    I got my little canvas' today, I absolutely LOVE them all! I am posting them in the morning. I just think you are amazing, wish I could have ordered them all! Lisa

  6. Michelle...your work is so beautiful! I never saw anything like that!!! Wonderful...

    Thank you for visiting my blog :) I hope it is OK with you that I added you... :)

    Smiles Ivonne :)

  7. Hellooo! and WOW!! I don't know how I have missed your blog...I love your painting and...well I'm off for another look!!

    Sam xx

  8. Michelle, I hope you don't mind that I gave you a shout out on my blog today! I just had to let everyone know about these adorable creations. :c)
