Sunday, March 7

Bunnies in Grass...

Another of Martha's amazing edge punches!
This one folds up, too... I loved adding the little white cotton tails!

I remember, as a child, laying on my tummy~
On the living room floor...
Watching TV (we had color!)
Eating my hollow Easter bunny.
We were allowed "limbs."
Flower base today, legs tomorrow... tail/bottom next...
Until the head.
Then I just had to eat the whole thing
or it would have been odd.
The only part of the hollow treat I didn't eat...
The sugar eye.
Maybe it was too weird to eat an eye?
Or, maybe, it's because it wasn't chocolate!


  1. I remember our chocolate rabbits ending up in the refrigerator until next Easter! I guess we weren't encouraged to eat them! My mom always thought I liked white chocolate, too sweet, I love milk chocolate! Oh yes I did pick the eye off before the rabbit got put away! Can't believe I just said that! Great punch by the way. Kim

  2. i hope you own stock because i so want to run oout and get the bunny punch (AND the birds on the line!)

  3. Yes, I remember those hard eyes too. Blech. Truly, why would we want to eat the eyes anyway? Then again, had they been chocolate...

  4. Yes...what was it with the eyes..never ate them either! Once my sister received a beautiful cake shaped like a bunny as a gift. Her husband came home and wanted to know if he could have a piece, she said yes and save the rest for the little grand children. When the little ones got to their home, the children were mortified to see a headless bunny cake waiting for them! They went out for ice cream instead ;-)
