Wednesday, February 3

Watercolor Brushes...

My small rounds & liners...

Every now and then I purchase an expensive brush~
Maybe I'm hoping I could come up with a new
look or that my leaves, feathers and veining
might somehow look fresh and different.

No... they just cost more...
My hand is my hand and as long as the
brush tip is tight~ details are exactly the same.

Yellow handle Loew-Cornell brushes
are my absolute favorites...
I can no longer find them and mine are worn out.
The ferrules stay tight, they have great drag...
LOVE how they blend and dry brush...

On the bright side...
I get to play and try out all types of
new inexpensive brushes...

Yesterday I found Loew-Cornell brushes
with brown and black handles...
They have brown bristles (others were white)
but maybe they will be c-l-o-s-e enough.

I'm taking a little break from deadlines today...
Going to clean my studio and play!!!

Wishing you the best!


  1. Hi Michelle~ I recently dropped a note in the mail for you. Hope you received it. Have a fun day! ~Mandy

  2. I am so glad! I really wanted those sweet mice to come live with you!*smile* Have fun playing! ~Mandy

  3. Hi Michelle, I love that you're talking about your brushes. I think their is not much that is cooler than well-used artist brushes, and even knowing what are your favorites!

    I would love to see you create!! I am in such of of your talent and others who have been blessed as you.

    Can't wait to see what's next!!
    Still LOVING my adorable Juniper snowman!! His new home for the rest of the year is on top of my antique dresser...he fits in so well, and always makes me smile!!

    Joyful blessings to you, my friend,

  4. It was suppose to read "awe" of your talent!! I have been the typo queen again lately!!


  5. Hoping your creative muse will cooperate with your studio time! Best wishes. ~ Angela

  6. I hate it when my favs are discontinued. New and improved usually isn't when it comes to well broken in things, like good leather shoes! Great photo of the brushes!

  7. Hi Michelle! Thank you for your kind comment today. I see you enjoy a Carolina Wren, too! You have a lovely blog here.


  8. Hello Michelle! So nice that you stopped by to say hello on my blog. What a wonderful way to keep your brushes together. Is that glass vintage too? Playing in your studio sounds perfect. I love spending time in my quilt studio.

    Hugs ~

  9. Why is it that when we find something we love, they discontinue making it? Hope the black handled ones work out. But, after seeing your handiwork, I'd think you could create beauty with a scrub brush Michelle! :c)

  10. Michelle, I have my favorite brushes too, and paper. Boy, are some of those brushes expensive. I don't buy those because I find they wear out just as fast as the less expensive ones too. And the kind of paper I paint on makes a big difference. I don't like rough or thirsty paper. In fact, I've even been known to put gesso on my paper to make it less thirsty. Or spray fixative on it! Whatever works!
    The fun is like you said...playing with all this good stuff!
