Thursday, February 4

Valentine Giveaway! A First Peek!

"Garden Curiosities" by Michelle L. Palmer

This mixed media illustration is almost complete!
To celebrate adding over 20 mixed media designs
to my Etsy shop... I thought it would be fun
to share one of the antique paper pieces with you!

It will be a fun giveaway!
This is my FAVORITE one~ you'll see why!

I love to own originals...
I love to own antiques...
That's why I love this collection...

A few last details will be a surprise...
But I thought it would be fun to share a peek
of what I've been working on this morning.

Love these words from original sheet music...

When I'm in my garden and I hear the bees
all gathering around the fragrant blossoms~
I love the hovering, hummmmm...
of the bees...

This beautiful lady is an original... fragile antique papers...
She has been carefully cut from a 1870's publication.
The tree swallow is from a worn birding book...
These originals (no copies) are arranged on
a gorgeous scrapbook paper.

I am so thankful to have met a fantastically generous
woman, who collected paper her entire life.
She is retiring from shows.
I have known her for over 20 years.
My daughter and her have a sweet relationship...
She was a professor of woman's studies, so she
shares history, knowledge and humor as we
select pieces from her damaged, worn, stained
collection. She sells them at a discount
because of the condition.

I have a copy of each of my mixed media pieces...
I will enjoy knowing these beautiful women
are out in the world, not trapped in boxes
becoming more and more fragile.

The file folders on the left...
I have taken photographs since I was a teen.
Tiny details, landscapes, paint textures,
patinas... bugs, birds, etc. all subjects have their
own folder. When I'm at the fair I find reference
material... I have a cool pamphlet about bee stings
from the doctors office tucked in one of them...
magazines, old papers, sketches I've made...
I love to put several references together,
study the object I'm going to draw...
put the reference materials away and sketch.
I love to learn...
I will never copy...
We all have to respect other peoples illustrations,
photographs, artwork, etc.
these images are copyright protected
just like my original watercolors.

The old papers, however... are over 100 years old.
That is why many sites can offer free images.
Perfectly safe...
Great source of reference material and
design sources for mixed media.

Here I'm sketching a honeybee...
Then I ink over my pencil with waterproof
inks with a very fine tip...

Sorta looks like a fly...

...until we add some color!

You can see from the above photo,
I use all brands of colored pencils.
I choose color collections rather than brands.
All are professional grade.
I sharpen my pencils by hand with a tiny
metal sharpener as to keep them from being wasted.

The Derwent brand watercolor pencils are
nice for smooth paper...
I wanted to add a little yellow around my
honey bee to warm the area a bit more.

Once I have a thin pencil layer down...

With a DAMP brush I smooth the color
to the edges of my cut out images...
Not a lot of water.

I can soften the edges for a soft glow effect...

Tickle! Tickle!

I want to get the yellow tone up to my lady~
making sure there are no halo images.

Fun stuff!
Now I'm heading out to my studio to put the
finishing touches on the entire collection!

To have a chance at winning this sweet lady
please leave a little note on this blog or become
a follower. This post and the next few will be
included in the giveaway pool!
The drawing will be February 10th!
I hope she will be in your mailbox for
Valentine's Day!


  1. Amazing Michelle... just amazing, and so very special! Put me in the drawing please! Crossing my fingers for a Valentine's surprise! :c)

  2. If I had dew claws they would be crossed to win!! My mom has her toes crossed for this fabulous work of art.
    Tail Wags to All.

  3. Oh Michelle...Pick me, pick me!! I am just getting into collecting vintage images!! When I see them I simply must rifle through them all!! I am very selective, but LOVE the ones I have. That's so neat that you haven taken and collected images for so long.

    I am intrigued by anything that has had a "previous life", and love the idea of breathing a little new life into it. I will be opening up a little online shop soon that will include some repurposed stuff and some new creations of mine. (Shhh, I haven't made an announcement yet!) I am so excited!

    Visiting your blog is a breath of fresh air and inspiration for me!
    Always a pleasure!!

    Have a great Friday and weekend!

    OH!! I almost forgot! I LOVED this post!! So great to see the "how" and the thoughts you have when working on one of your lovely pieces of artwork!! Very cool! And I do mean very cool!!


  4. Oh Michelle. This piece is so beautiful to me!!!! I would love to have a teeny tiny chance to win!!! I love you showing your techniques too...hugs and love, Dawn

  5. Such a BEAUTIFUL collage. Love the yellow wash around the bee. You're very talented! I'd LOVE love love to win this.

  6. oh my gosh...I just love this...just found your blog for the first time...and I am hooked...started collecting vintage bee items about a year ago...just a lovely blog you have!

  7. your work is stunning.....I'd be honored to win!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I'm so happy to have found you!

  8. Thank you for coming by my blog because it led to me finding you. Your art is beautiful and I am so hoping that I will be lucky enough to win this lovely piece.

    It's so nice to get background on your work too. Such loveliness!

  9. such a generous give-away! i'll be anxious to see the rest of your collection as you list it.

    thank you for sharing your detailed drawing and's pure magic. i just love it!! reminds me of my bee-keeping garden loving grandmother. xxx

  10. I am completely speechless (and that doesn't happen very often.)
    How beautiful is your work!!!

    Please put me in your drawing.
    I'm clearing my desk for the perfect spot for your work ;)

  11. P.S.

    I don't know WHY I wasn't following you before but I sure am now!!!!!

  12. how wonderful Michelle! you are very talented and creative! hope I am lucky enough to win....take care and bloggy hugs!

  13. Oh, this is so beautiful and I cannot believe the amount of time and work that you put into making this such a wonderful piece of art.

    I want to win! I heard about you at the Feathered Nest and now I'm a follower.


  14. First time to your blog. Oh my love your art so far. That little bee is so cute..I am really interesting in the watercolor pencils. I paint roses and try other things also. But love to look at others art. Wished I would have started painting years ago or kept it up years ago. Anyway now to go look at more of you blog. Sally

  15. Oh Lord Have Mercy! I LOVE this! You are SO SO talented!! This is absolutely GORGEOUS!

    Oh yeah honey, enter me! And I AM a follower!!


    Lou Cinda :)

  16. Beautiful and just amazing..Enter me, please...

  17. Thank you for showing how you created this beautiful piece of artwork. You honor these old pieces of paper by making them vibrant again! Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. Your work is exquisite! Very talented.

  19. Lovely!Wonderful give away...please include me!

  20. I love watching an artist create, so this waas a real treat for me. Your talent is amazing and I am so glad to have found your beautiful blog.

  21. Michelle, I love it. I would be honored to have your creation in our home.

  22. I really love your art. It is just great. Thank you, for having this getaway. I would be very proud to own one of your pictures.
    Please enter me in this great giveaway. I'm sorry, I don't have a picture of me. I'm new to blogging. I'm only a week old.
    Thank you, again

  23. Oh how beautiful and jaw dropping gorgeous! Please enter my name. Your work is incredible and I will be back.....just became a follower too!

  24. Oh are so talented! Please enter me in your drawing! I will mention this on my blog as well.

  25. I, like yourself, love everything in nature, especially bees and insects!! I am a new beekeeper and I have collected insects since I was in high school. I would love to add this lady to my collection.

  26. Michelle,
    Oh how wonderful. Like a book unfolding in your post. page by page just a little more of a tease. I just love your art. Wish I could take a mixed media class with you. What I could learn. Please enter me. Lisa
    PS I'm having a giveaway myselft starting Monday. Check it out. Lisa

  27. This is incredible, Thank you for taking the time to show us how you created it, Gorgeous work. I would so love to win your beautiful artwork! Into my favs you go!

  28. Very beautiful work.I really admire those that can draw so amazing.I am taking a drawing class right now and can really appreciate beautiful drawing now.So happy to have found your blog.

  29. Hello Michelle,
    I have just arrived at your delightful blog via my dear friend Dawn from the very special Feathered Nest who kindly pointed me in your direction.(Thank you Dawn). I can see now that plans for today will be taking a turn in direction as I am about to read through and look at past posts. I would love to be included in a chance for winning your generaous giveaway. Thank you for sharing with us your tips and techniques for such a charming collage. It has been a pleasure to visit such a lovely blog.
    Warmest best wishes,

  30. Thank you for taking the time to deliniate your process. It was fascinating and enjoyable to watch the transformation. There's something special about using the originals. I've been thinking about doing that myself but find it difficult to cut up those very old pieces. Maybe if I "take the plunge" I can break through my inhibitions. I must say that I'm quite inspired now. Please, add my name to your list and excuse me as I continue to wander through your lovely blog.--Sally

  31. What beautiful work! Oh, do count my for your generous giveaway. I've also signed up as a followers as I should like to visit again and again.

  32. Hi, Your art is amazing, so beautiful. Please, please put my name in the giveaway. Can't wait to become a regular follower. Thanks for showing us how you do it. Theory a country gal in Iowa

  33. Love your tutorial you shared with us. I hope this lady shows up in my mailbox.

  34. Finally! I've been wondering how the heck those "glows" work. It seems to be one of those steps people skip over. Anyway, thanks to Dawn of Feathered Nest I've discovered you. I'll be following you through Google Reader (not sure if you can track that or not) and please put me in the drawing!

    email is leanne @ leanneshawler . com

  35. I would love to win this wonderful piece of art! Thank you for the chance. Hope I win!!! Deb Plapp

  36. How wonderful so glad I found you today. This is beautiful.

  37. oh my gosh, so so beautiful. your step by step so fun to follow, i especially love the coloured pencil tips, i'm always on the search for the perfect pencils... a generous giveaway!

  38. Jumping up and down saying please pick me, please pick me!! How beautiful the image is.

  39. I would love to have this in my Studio! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

    Artful Blessings,

    P.S. I am having a giveaway on my blog as part of the O.W.O.H. blog event! Come see me!!!

  40. Just saying "hi" followed you over from Dawn's blog. I love your work! Bees are one of my favorites!

  41. Hello Michelle!!
    I found you through Dawn at The Feathered Nest.
    How meticulous and beautiful your work is.
    I admire your hand drawn
    work very much.
    Thank you for the chance to enter
    your giveaway!!
    Hugs from Susan in Georgia

  42. Beautiful work, love the details. I'm a new follower, glad I found your blog, thanks to Dawn. I would love to be entered. Hugs, Carol Mae

  43. Hi Michelle, just found your blog thru Feathered Nest. I am now a follower! Love your art work..I love paper ephemera etc. Please enter me in your give away! Thanks. Would really like to own one of your pieces.
    Smiles and Blessings,
    Nancy C

  44. I am speechless. What a beautiful piece. I would treasure this. Thank you for the giveaway and sharing how you made such a treasure.

    debbie peysen

  45. dear michelle,
    i would so love to win this vintage image you have enhanced. the bee is perfect....debbie...the honey bee...seeker of sweet.
    i hope you are going to add a butterfly. every post i do i include a butterfly for my little amy watching over me/the family from heaven.
    i have started a second blog
    please stop by and bless it.
    it is so very good to talk to you again.
    love and hugs
    simply debbie

  46. Oh, beautiful piece and your post teaching us how you do it is so inspiring and wonderful. Glad I found in time to perhaps win this.

  47. Michelle, I loved "watching" you do the artwork! Please include me in the drawing, if it's not too late!

  48. Add my name please...your creative talents are inspiring ! Love them.

  49. Oh my, what a beautifull blog you have here. Thanks for being a follower on my blog, so I could se you here.
    Your work is amazing ,and your giveaway, so very wonderfull.
    Please count me in.


  50. I became a beekeeper this past summer- wow would I love to have this! Love your work-


  51. You are so talented. Would love to win your giveaway.
