Friday, May 8

Little Red Fox Rescue...

We named this sweet little girl "Ruby"
She's a red fox that was hit by a car last Sunday morning.
She's doing GREAT!

My husband had his drum cymbals in hand and
was heading out the door for church...
He wanted to go take care of the "squirrel" that had
been hit in the road before the kids got up.

As he stood at the side of the road with shovel in hand...
a car blew by (our country road is very fast)
SWEET lil' Ruby lifted her head!!!
She was alive & she wasn't a squirrel!

Hubby went off to church...
The kids & I jumped into action...called a rescue shelter
got the shivering little baby warmed up, tucked in
the kitty kennel and delivered for rehab.

She is a miracle.
Her face so sweet...she just cuddled up in
the blanket like a wee-little baby...happy to be warm.
Thank heavens for people who help them~

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh my gosh, she is adorable. What a miracle that she is ok, and thanks to God for people like you who have love in their heart for animals. Big hugs to you.

  2. The poor sweet thing. I wonder where her mama is?
    Hugs to you! BIG hugs!

  3. I cant believe how darling she is.
    What a little miracle. I hope she gets better every day....and then can be returned to the wild. Wondering what your feeding her?
    Best to you

  4. What a cute ball of fur! So glad you were able to rescue her and give her the care she needed.

    Happy Mother's Day, Michelle!

  5. She is adorable! I am so happy to know she is okay. Thank you for taking such good care of her! It warms my heart. ~Mandy

  6. She is so incredibly sweet! It is so fantastic you have taken her in and I think it will be wonderful experience for you all. I got to hold a fox many years ago and have a picture of it which is one of my son's favourites. Thank you so much for sharing!


  7. I do hope she will be ok, poor little soul. Doesn't she look sweet!

  8. She is beautiful. I am so happy she is going to be alright. What a blessing this little creature had you and your family. Julie

  9. What a sweet little thing! And how lovely of you all to care for her! Thank you for sharing this sweet post!Blessings~Kathy

  10. Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments & well wishes!
    Our little Ruby has been with the rescue shelter since that morning. Our son emailed & talked to them~ all reports are that she is doing well, eating & calling for her momma. We're sad that she is away from her family...we think they live in the hill across the street. Our road is very dangerous. We're hoping the rescue folks will raise her to an independent age & release her elsewhere.
    Our teens wanted to keep her & care for her~ but we are not trained in a way that would have allowed her to stay "wild." They understood & were grateful for the opportunity to be so close to something so tender & rare.
    Her fur is sooooo soft. When we got her warmed up she would stretch her little legs, tilt her head her eyes for a brief peek & snuggle back into the blanket-nest we had been rocking her in. Tender.
    Hugs! Hope you have a fantastic week!

  11. Oh Michelle! I love your fox-I'm glad she will be safe and healthy-thanks to you all.
    Love, Debra

  12. She is too cute and sweet for words. I hope she recovers fully.

  13. What a sweet little creature. Why do people have to be in such a hurry. Life is so very precious. Thanks for sharing. Sharon

  14. Goodness, so glad your husband went to check on the "squirrel", poor Ruby must have been so scared. Glad to hear she is being cared for, and improving.
    Sounds like a Sunday morning at my husband rushes out the door to church before the kids and I do. He directs the music at our church.

  15. What a great story- she is so sweet. Thank goodness your husband was there to help her and bless you guys for doing the right thing!

  16. I just read this... you are my kind of kindred spirits.. I hope she has done well.. BJ

  17. Hi Michelle!

    It's been more than 3 years now from this little red fox rescue... but today I found your blog with the news and the adorable little Ruby, and I'm dying to know how this sweetie is or if you have news from her!

    Thank you. Best

  18. We kept in contact with the rescue shelter for several months~ our sweet little Ruby was released back into her natural habitat... nearby. We will never know if some of the wee little red furries are her babies~ but we hold in our hearts that they are!

  19. I'm so happy to hear the news about your sweet Ruby! Thanks a lot for answering my question. I guess there are experiences like this one when you feel as if you have been blessed... and the sight of these wee little red furries reminds you of it!
