Friday, May 1

Forget Me Not...

"Do you know," Peter asked...
"Why Swallows build in the eaves of houses?
It is to listen to the stories..."

James M. Barrie
Peter Pan

Garden Forget Me Nots...

Remembering so many stories that I've shared
with our children. They're growing into
wonderful young adults...going out with friends~
"Doing their own things" from time to time.
It is exciting to watch them jump in...
...even more exciting to see
what they come home & share.
...what they remember!

Hope you've had a great week to remember...


  1. You always have such sweet posts! Love the quote! Happy May Day! ~Mandy

  2. Beautiful flowers with a wonderful name!


  3. Don't you love blue flowers, Michelle!

  4. Very touching posts, and I love forget me nots. I hope you have a beautiful weekend.

  5. One of my all time favorites ~ tiny and sweet and such a pretty color!

  6. You have a lovely site, your artwork is so beautiful. I am passing on to you the Queen of Awe-summ award! Stop by my site and pick up the image, pass it on to 7 others. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  7. I had not hear that quote before, now I know!

    By the way, my "pup" is nine this year but he says thanks for the complement.

  8. Love that quote!
    My kids always remember the silly things. I'm one of 10 kids and when we talk about our memories my mom says she sometimes thinks we all grew up in different houses!
    ***there is an award for you over at my blog!

  9. My forget-me-nots are blooming also - which magenta colored violets blossoming at their feet. With all the spring green it is a gorgeous combination.

    (And I still have your felted chicks out on my sideboard - even though it is way past Easter. I can't bear to pack them away - they are so darling).
