Monday, April 27

Friday, April 24

It's Friday...Whew!

We all have those weeks...

Our Sadie-Lady kitty...
Today is expected to be in the mid 70's,
tomorrow...low 80's ~ Mmmmmm...the weekend.

"In the first grade, I already knew the pattern
of my life. I didn't know the living of it,
but I knew the line...
From the first day in school
until the day I graduated,
everyone gave me one hundred plus in art.
Well, where do you go in life?
You go to the place where you got
one hundred plus."
Louise Nevelson

That quote IS the story of my life...
Mrs. King & Mr. Murray
My little end-of-the-year award button...
construction paper circle,
pinned to my shirt read,
"My Little Artist!"

Do what you what you do!
Hope you have a great weekend~

Wednesday, April 22

Needle Felted Nests...

Had a few minutes yesterday to play!

Came up with a few new needle felted pieces
for my Etsy shop.
Clicking on the photos will take you to the store.

The birds have me inspired!

I love these small bowls/cups...
They hold small things and dress up my desk!

Hope you're having a wonderful week!

Saturday, April 18

Feeder Fun!

Saturday morning at the feeders!
The birds are all on the limbs watching...

Purple Blankets...

"Art is the window to a man's soul.
Without it, he would never be able
to see beyond his immediate world;
nor could the world see
the man within."

Claudia Lady Bird Johnson

Sunny days...spring lawns!
Right now the lawns are spotted with these
beautiful purples...
Soon a bell-shaped purple will come...
Then my favorite blue~ Forget Me Nots...

Hope your weekend is wonderful!

Wednesday, April 15

Going...Going...Almost Gone...

"No one can go back and make
a brand new start.
Anyone can start from now and
make a brand new ending"


Monday, April 6

Sunny Clumps...

"For attractive lips,
speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes,
seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure,
share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair,
let a child run his or her fingers
through it once a day.
For poise,
walk with the knowledge
you'll never walk alone.

Audry Hepburn

Sunday, April 5

Getting Brighter By The Day...

"I have a brightness in my soul..."
Jenny Lind

The finch feeders are busy throughout the day...
Their gorgeous dandelion-yellow is returning.

The first spring color here!
Hope your day is beautiful...

Friday, April 3

Bath or Skate?

Saw several birds hanging around their bath...
So we were quick to fill it up~

Perhaps wee little ice skates are in order?
Hope you're having a wonderful Friday...

Thursday, April 2

Old Spring Bed...

Without fail...
Each spring they pop out and join us!
The old spring bed is pushing through the lawn...

"Being happy doesn't mean
that everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided
to look beyond the imperfections."


These sweet bulbs that I have wanted
to move for 8 years...
Grow better than the ones I've planted
in the gardens and landscapes...

So pretty with the morning dew...
What? No frost?
Going to be a beautiful day in Upstate NY!
Hope your day is wonderful...