Thursday, April 2

Old Spring Bed...

Without fail...
Each spring they pop out and join us!
The old spring bed is pushing through the lawn...

"Being happy doesn't mean
that everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided
to look beyond the imperfections."


These sweet bulbs that I have wanted
to move for 8 years...
Grow better than the ones I've planted
in the gardens and landscapes...

So pretty with the morning dew...
What? No frost?
Going to be a beautiful day in Upstate NY!
Hope your day is wonderful...


  1. Hi Michelle~ Your bulbs look like some of ours. The lady that lived in our house before us planted things all over the yard! And, I just LOVE your whimsical spring paintings! So sweet! ~Mandy

  2. Beautiful pictures. It snowed here again yesterday, and has been raining all day today. They said we had the coldest March on record since 1976. I need some sunshine so I bought myself daffodils and tulips today : )
