Thursday, November 6

For More Than Doors...

I've had some of these keys for over 35 years!

It is fun to put them on projects that
will be treasured for years to come...

"Don't trust the lock to which everyone has the key..."

The key to happiness, success, weight loss, etc. etc.
Ooops...wrong key~

I would "borrow" keys from my dads tool chests,
He must have collected them,
because I discovered several tacked with nails
in a row on a basement beam~

I found rings of them at the local dump...
Aunts had them in button jars...
Seems like every jar of old buttons we bought
had one or two tucked inside...
Then our daughter began searching for them~

Most of these newer little ones were found
at a local thrift shop...they had a plastic bin filled
with the old jewelry box & small lock keys!

Perfect for small tags, journals, boxes etc. etc.


  1. Some of those old keys are works of art all by themselves. I've seen all sorts of projects made with old keys: lampshades, clocks, etc...

  2. I love old keys. I think they are so cool. You have a great collection going there.


  3. What an assortment of keys. I think you could open any door anywhere with them. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours. :)

  4. Hi Michelle!
    I will have to show my keys now!

    I just finished my second mouse. I needle felted them. They will make their debut at my Christmas blog. I'm having so much fun making them...

    You sure have a knack for making a pretty blog!

    Love, Debra

  5. What a pleasant post! Loved the key collection. How fun. I'll bet finding the right key at your house is not easy! ;)

    What is the key to happiness and peace of mind? A relationship with the Almighty God. The key, Jesus.

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Great collection. I have a fascination with keys myself, but do not have a collection that could match yours! Thanks for the information on Salmon Falls pottery, it is beautiful. Twyla

  7. Keys are getting so collectible that the prices are going up! It's great to find a hoard of them somewhere for a good price nowadays.

  8. Now. To find the door that each one opens....

  9. Oh my a have key to my heart!!! Those are wonderful!!! Laurie
