Monday, November 10

Cheery Hello...

Hi Friends!
I have been crazy busy with deadlines...
Sorry to have not said, "Hello!" for a few days~

Thought I'd share this sweet fellas face!
A little corner from one of my new watercolors...

Our Blue Jays seem to summer somewhere else.
We enjoy them in early summer...
They bring their brood, line them up on a limb
close to the suet cake...and momma feeds the
very loud, anxious mouths as quickly as her
wings n' beak can take her!
Once they're old enough to hang on the suet...
They vanish!

Until late October...early November...
The bright blue friends
dash past my studio window~
They hang out on the ground in clusters...
Catching up on the latest neighborhood news.

Wonderful gift-givers~
Have found several Jay feathers...
Won't they look sweet on Christmas tags!


  1. Michelle~ What a treat to be invited over to visit this wonderful blog! I love it! Your whisker collection is FANTASTIC! I have a pile of them and was wondering if I had lost my mind. I have always thought they are too sweet to ignore. ~Crinkle~ makes my heart sing. Thanks so much for the delight you have added to my day! ~Mandy

  2. Michelle, my husband is the bird seed supplier for our garden and the birds actually recognize him! When he goes outside with the bucket of feed, the blue jays are the lst ones to start calling to all the other birds!


  3. I love your jay. I get pretty cranky when people complain about them. I've read they will actually take care of the old ones in their group.

    My mice are up on the Monnie B. Christmas blog. I sorta taught myself how to needle felt. It's not a hard thing to do. Just be careful of those needles-it's easy to jab a finger.
    I could do a little lesson about felting, but I don't think I'd do the best job of it. I've seen some very nice blogs that go into detail.

    Thank you for always encouraging me!!
    Love, Debra

  4. Hi Michelle,
    I got the biggest smile when I saw your blue jay picuture. I have a very special connection with my Dad dying and blue jays. I have been thinking about posting my story, maybe I will do that this week. It is definitly a connection with God and the signs he sends us. My surgery is on November 19th, I am down about it BUT I am trying to stay positive and keeping the faith : ) I hope you are doing well.
