Sunday, October 5

There They Sit...

Has been a busy time of deadlines...

I know I had shared photos of projects
we were getting ready to work on...

They're on the back burner...simmering~
The laces all lined up on one of the studio sills...
Fabrics & papers in cupboards nearby~
Jars of buttons tucked between my brushes.
It will be a few weeks before I
can work on & share the craft projects...

I will share snippets of the paintings
as soon my Federal Copyright applications
are in Washington D.C.~

They'll be some of my favorite watercolors~


  1. Michelle, Did you know you can submit your photos to Somerset magazine and they'll consider using them in an article in the back where they show pictures that are outstanding that have appeared on blogs! The guidelines are in the magazine. Your pictures of how you store your laces are really inventive!

  2. Thanks! They're waiting so patiently to be used~ I found 2 finials buried in a drawer when I was building birdhouses...but didn't want them to be out in the weather & destroyed...
    There they were on my drawing table rolling around...for weeks...I finally got frustrated, cleaned & plugged holes with them! They look sweet n' formal where they rest~

    I'm new to Somerset...
    I only have a couple issues... So I'm not a "loyal" reader~
