Saturday, October 4

Birthday Money...

Some people think it's less personal
to give money/check to kids for birthdays...
Our children love those gifts
because they can spend it on something
they will use, love or treasure forever!

Her last $8.00
A bit of scrubbing...
A piece of scrap fabric...

A true treasure...


  1. That is a chair I would love. I seem to have many of them in my home too.

    Today we went on an adventure, in part, to find some of your art. We got to Sherry's an hour too late,(closed!) but some of your work was in the windows. I just gawked...the blue jay, the juncos...the pumpkins...and we discovered that is the very store we went to after meeting the real Zuzu and getting her autograph (and a rose petal from her, which I framed). I bought some jars of old buttons at Sherry's that day, and absolutely LOVED the atmosphere, and the friendly people who worked there.
    I was so disappointed the store was closed today, but in a way, it was very sweet to be looking in at your paintings,(hey! I KNOW that artist! We write to each other!).
    So, around the time of my birthday, we are going to go back when the store is open, and see your art REAL CLOSE.
    I'll be sure to tell you all about it, as I will make a special blog post about it.
    We did come home with some treaures-old crocheted lace, a strip of fur from a coat that will make a doll trim, very old magazines, a nice redish orange squash and a bushel of Cortland apples to make applesauce! And the day was lovely with color and the smells of Fall.
    Love, Debra

  2. Very lovely transformation. :-) I just got back from my parents' house which is full of 'reimagined chic' and is such a delight to revel in. Unfortunately my husband hates the look and leans heavily towards things like Ikea. :-(

  3. Clever girl you have there! ;-)


  4. Debra! We were just down the road Waterloo! That's where the chair was found...
    Isn't that funny~ small world!
    Have you ever gone to Nugent Hardware? Next time you're in Seneca Falls...head west to Waterloo. You won't miss it right in the village. They have some FANTASTIC finds. I'll post some more pix of what we found!

    Sherry is a dear heart. She's the only person I currently sell prints to. She was a big supporter of mine through all the years of shows/open houses etc. Cute shop, too! So sorry it was closed :(
    You could probably even ask her if she has additional prints that she hasn't framed yet~ she typically has a nice supply. :)

    Glad you had a nice day!
    So sweet that you tried~

  5. tlc~ it is a beautiful style...but very difficult to have if spouses don't care for it. I don't know how to describe how I decorate...eclectic at best! Tee hee~ but our girl LOVES vintage...shabby chic~ toss in a little French! It is neat to watch young minds put things together. Much more open minded than me!!
