Saturday, September 27

Vintage & Blue...

If you could see my studio right now...
Yet more IDEAS jumping around...

When I was working as a
watercolor artist/crafter/momma of wee ones
I made the cutest snowmen from
white boys socks turned inside out~
tea/coffee dyed.

I used the toes through arch area of
our worn colored socks for hats~

Cut a thin strip of the top elastic part,
stretched it out & they made scarves.

Button eyes, carrot noses made from
Sculpy bake hard clay, real twig arms.

Wouldn't those snowman look dear in these
vintage melamine cups?

Maybe pin cushions?

Or...perhaps I should put them in the
kitchen cupboard & use them
for what they're meant to be...
I seem to break the
ceramic ones we have!
The more I break, the less I wash!


  1. Michelle, this is what happens when I get so busy that I have to catch up on several days worth of blogs that I've been unable to visit until now!
    You've been busy! Love the new products! Congratulations! It's a beautiful picture and deserves to be on all of those neat things.

    Boy, do I hear you about combing fur! Our Miss Sweetie had to have some lumps cut out of her fur about a month ago because I was lax about combing her. Now she's all sleek and shiny again and loving the attention combing has gotten her!

    Hmmm...I can picture sockmen in those cups! Yes!

    Chipmunks! Cute little critters but they ARE lil pigs! They'll take everything you put out for the birds and hoard it! Don't bring them to MY neighborhood when you release them! LOL!


  2. Diane, I have to giggle...our Sadie girl has very short, but very thick fur. We would brush her from time to time...but one time she had developed this "lump" on her back near her tail. We combed & combed...our son asked, "is she growing a 2nd tail?" tee hee...poor Miss Sweetie...we know what our furry friend went through!

    We have caught 4 chipmunks in 12 hours! They should be named "chippigs"~ teehee. We'll keep 'em up here...even though you KNOW how much I LOVE to share! :)
